What is another word for a compound fracture?

An open fracture


What does AED stand for??

Automated external defibrillator


A victim is refusing your help! Should you 1.say "ok boomer" 2.continue treatment anyways 3.back off, stay with the victim and continue convincing him/her to accept your aid

pi - 0.14


Under what circumstance can you move a victim who you suspect has a spinal injury?

If they are in the direct path of danger. Such as a fire, flood or demon dog


You and your best friend are doing some Bear Grylls level camping in Odell Park, but your friend is bit by a tick (oof). How would you treat your friend?

Grasp the tick with tweezers close to the skin. Gently pull until it comes loose. Wash the wound carefully with soap and water, and apply antiseptic.


What does CPR stand for?

cardiopulmonary resuscitation


The technique used to clear the victim's airway is:

Head tilt, chin lift!


What does RICE stand for?

Rest, Immobilize, Cold and Elevate


You are alone and have an unconscious non-breathing adult near you, what should you do first? A. Start CPR with 30 chest compressions. B. Give five initial rescue breaths. C. Call 911/112 requesting AED and ambulance. D. Give two initial rescue breaths.



Hillary is working as a volunteer for the Red Cross at a jazz festival. Two people ask her for medical help. The first person expresses chest extreme chest discomfort. The second person has an burned hand. The third person is not breathing. What should Hillary do?

Treat the person with the chest discomfort first.


What is the name of the laws that protect anyone from making a good faith effort the help the victim of an injury or illness.

The "Good Samaritan Law". Even as people trained in first aid, we are protected from liability because we don't make money for what we do. So always help when you can!


Should you perform the Heimlich Maneuver on a choking victim who is coughing?

Nah fam. The Heimlich Maneuver (and abdomen thrusts) should only be performed on victims who cannot speak, cough, or breathe.


How does clear vomit from a victim's mouth during CPR?

Turn the head to the side, and scoop out avec your pinky finger


Your teacher is complaining of breathlessness and a tight pain in the chest. You suspect a heart attack. What should you do? 1. Get him to lay down, face down on the floor 2. Speak to him en Français for support 3. Sit him in a comfortable position 4. Lay him on a bed and tuck him in for a nap



Barack is visiting his aunt. In the middle of dinner, she begins to complain of a headache. Barack notices that she is slurring her words and the right side of her face seems to be drooping. What is Barack suspecting?

That his aunt is having a stroke


What is FHS' street address, phone number, and postal code? Jk just the address and no cheating, please!!

300 Priestman Street!


When should you stop alternating between 5 blows and 5 thrusts ?? a) When you receive roses from someone for your hard work b) When the blockage is dislodged c) When more people come and watch d) When sin= Adjacent / Hypotenuse



Vrai ou Faux? 911 is a universal number

不是的, Non, 아니요, いいえ, Nah man, UK peeps be actually dialing 999 


Put the keywords in order to save your amigo. 1. CPR 2. Send for help (if needed) 3. Airway 4. Hazards 5. Breathing 6. Level of Consciousness 

4, 6, 2, 3, 5, 1 (2 and 3 may be interchangeable depending on situation)

You were walking down the hallway when suddenly a nail falls from the ceiling impaling your leg.
Have someone else in your group treat you!

You should check the victim for responsiveness by 1. Using smelling salts. 2. Shaking him and shouting, "Are you okay?" 3. Pouring hot water on his face. 4. All of the above.



How long does one have before brain damage occurs due to a lack of oxygen? 1. Enough to have a snack 2. eh like 30mins? 3. 3-6 minitos 4. NEVER



Name three signs of severe choking!

Blue/red tint to skin Universal choking sign (throat grabbing) Virtually no sound is produced Panic in the eyes


Omo! Donald just ate your peanut butter sandwich by accident and starts having an allergic reaction. Demonstrate how you would help Donald!

Dispose of allergen, Ask if help needed, Cap off, Blue sky/orange thigh, Hold for 5-10 seconds

DOUBLE POINTZZZZZZZZ On a hike in very hot weather, you come across a man who looks very pale and weak and is breathing rapidly. His skin is extremely warm to the touch, he seems confused and irritable, and his speech is not clear. You notice his water bottle is empty. What to do??
Get him to a shady spot, fan him to cool him off and have him sip water. If you have them, apply ice packs or water-soaked compresses under his armpits and on his neck. Have him take off excess clothing.