Economic Motivations
Ideological Motivations
Spanish-American War
Diplomatic Approaches
U.S. Entry into WWI

What were the economic motives behind American imperialism?

The economic motives included the desire for raw materials and new markets to fuel industrial growth.


What were American democratic ideals during the late 19th century?

American democratic ideals included beliefs in freedom, self-determination, and the right to govern oneself.


What were the main causes of the Spanish-American War?

The main causes included the explosion of the USS Maine, American economic interests in Cuba, and the influence of yellow journalism.


What was Big Stick diplomacy?

Big Stick diplomacy was Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy approach, emphasizing the use of military force to achieve U.S. goals.


What were the main causes of World War I?

The main causes of World War I included militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.


How did raw materials influence U.S. foreign policy?

Raw materials such as sugar, rubber, and oil influenced U.S. foreign policy by driving the need to secure resources for economic expansion.


How did moral beliefs influence U.S. actions abroad?

Moral beliefs influenced U.S. actions abroad by promoting the idea that it was the nation's duty to spread democracy and civilize "less fortunate" societies.


How did the annexation of Hawaii relate to U.S. imperialism?

The annexation of Hawaii was related to U.S. imperialism as it provided a strategic military position and access to sugar markets.


 Describe Dollar Diplomacy.

Dollar Diplomacy was William Howard Taft's policy of promoting U.S. financial interests abroad, particularly in Latin America and East Asia.


Why did the U.S. initially declare neutrality?

The U.S. initially declared neutrality to avoid entanglement in European conflicts and protect American economic interests.


What role did new markets play in American expansion?

New markets were important as they provided places for American goods to be sold, helping to boost the economy and create jobs.


Define yellow journalism.

Yellow journalism is sensationalized news reporting that exaggerates or fabricates events to attract readers and sway public opinion.


What was the significance of the Panama Canal

The significance of the Panama Canal was that it facilitated faster maritime trade between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, enhancing U.S. naval power.


What were the key principles of Moral Diplomacy?

Key principles of Moral Diplomacy included promoting human rights and self-determination while opposing imperialism.


What role did the Zimmerman Telegram play in U.S. entry?

The Zimmerman Telegram proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico against the U.S., which outraged American public opinion.


Explain one specific example of economic imperialism.

An example of economic imperialism is the United States' acquisition of Hawaii for its sugar plantations and strategic naval location.


Give an example of how yellow journalism affected public opinion.

An example is how yellow journalism influenced public support for the Spanish-American War by depicting the atrocities in Cuba.


Describe the outcome of the Philippine Insurrection.

The outcome of the Philippine Insurrection was the establishment of U.S. control over the Philippines, leading to a controversial colonial rule.


Compare and contrast the approaches of Roosevelt and Taft.

Roosevelt's approach was more aggressive, using military intervention, while Taft favored economic investment; Wilson sought to promote democracy without military action.


How did unrestricted submarine warfare influence American opinion?

Unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany, which threatened American lives and shipping, significantly influenced public opinion towards entering the war.


How did the economy shape American attitudes towards imperialism?

The economy shaped American attitudes towards imperialism by creating a belief that expansion was necessary for economic survival and prosperity.


Why was spreading democracy seen as a justification for imperialism?

Spreading democracy was seen as justification for imperialism because it aligned with the belief that the U.S. had a moral obligation to promote its values globally.


What was the Roosevelt Corollary and its impact?

The Roosevelt Corollary stated that the U.S. would intervene in Latin American countries to maintain stability, asserting American dominance in the region.


Analyze the effectiveness of Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy

Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy was effective in promoting U.S. ideals, but it faced challenges in implementation, especially in regions resistant to U.S. influence.


Explain the concept of defending democracy as a reason for entering WWI.

The defense of democracy was framed as a rationale for American intervention, arguing that the U.S. had a duty to support democratic nations against autocratic regimes.
