What are fibroid tumors and when do they usually appear?
Noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years.
What is the cause of fibroid tumors?
It is unknown.
Can fibroid tumors be asymptomatic?
Name the three complications.
Hydronephrosis, infertility, and the crowding/mispositioning of the fetus during pregnancy.
Name three treatments.
➢Myomectomy (removal of the tumor alone) by laser surgery.
➢Removal of small tumors endoscopically
➢Leuprolide (Lupron) may be ordered to shrink large tumors before surgery.
Are uterine fibroid tumors malignant?
No, they are benign.
What hormone is believed to stimulate uterine fibroid tumors?
menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, discomfort, and for some women, the initial hint that something is wrong is the gradual enlargement of the lower abdomen, which may be mistaken for pregnancy.
Why does hydronephrosis occur with uterine fibroid tumors?
A very large fibroid tumor may compress the urethra, obstructing urine flow and causing hydronephrosis.
Name two ways methods of contraceptives are limited by fibroid tumors.
Intrauterine devices are contraindicated.
The estrogen in oral contraceptives stimulate tumor growth.
Diaphragms may be uncomfortable.
Why do fibroid tumors grow so fast?
They don't, they grow slowly.
Which type of estrogen is believed to trigger fibroid tumors?
What causes the discomfort?
The discomfort is caused by pressure on the pelvic structures.
What causes the crowding of the fetus during pregnancy?
The uterus is growing and the baby is growing at the same time. The fibroid tumors take up the space that should have been the fetus'.
How long should pregnancy be delayed after a myomectomy?
4-6 months
When do fibroid tumors tend to atrophy?
After menopause
Name two other hormones that can promote tumor development.
Human growth hormone & human placental lactogen
Out of all the body parts, why does the lower abdomen experience gradual enlargement while uterine fibroids are growing?
Because the uterus is there. DUH!
Why do you think infertility is a complication of uterine fibroid tumors?
Free answer.
What is a myomectomy?
Removal of the tumor alone.
Why do fibroid tumors shrink during menopause?
Because of the lack of estrogen.
What gland is the human growth hormone secreted by?
Pituitary gland
What is menorrhagia?
Menstrual bleeding that lasts more than 7 days.
How is this condition diagnosed?
A pelvic examination.
Many women need no treatment because their tumors atrophy after menopause.