Elements of Fiction
Figurative Language
Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences
All That Other Stuff

The element of plot that tells the necessary background information is--

A) Climax

B) Resolution

C) Rising Action

D) Exposition

D) Exposition


Gracie's roses, red, yellow, and pink, were arranged with greenery in the square, large vase. Some of the flowers were wilted, flat, and wide, unlike the roses that Macey had. Macey's were full and beautiful, not a single one wilted or flat.

To which sense do the images most appeal? 

A) Smell

B) Taste

C) Touch

D) Sight

D. Sight


Which of the following can you conclude is a reward?

A) Someone proving who is really to blame

B) Being able to go to a friend's house when they are having your least favorite meal

C) having your true character understood

D) knowing your parent spoke to your teacher

C) having your true character understood


Which word signals a generalization? 

A) Normally

B) Paused

C) However

D) Considered

A) Normally

Generalization is a conclusion drawn from specific information used to make a broad statement about a topic or person. 

Some clue words: normally, most, always


A parent goes to the school to discuss a students tardies and arrives to the meeting before the student arrives from class. What is the most likely thing that the parent discusses with the principal before the student arrives to the meeting?

A) The grades in the student's science class

B) The student's reluctance to share his or her feelings

C) The student's reason for arriving after the start time

D) The student's ability to make new friends

C) The student's reason for arriving after the start time

The part of the story immediately following the climax. The intensity of the events in the story decline--(opposite of rising action-increased intensity)

A) falling action

B) decreased climb

C) initiating event

D) rising action

A) falling action


What figurative language is considered extreme exaggeration? 

A) idiom

B) personification

C) hyperbole

D) imagery

C) hyperbole


Winston team always wins in basketball. They have a star player, Justin, that is 6 foot 2 and snags every rebound. This guy is unique to the league. 

Why does Winston assume his team will continue to win the games the rest of the season?

A) Because he thinks Justin is special

B) Because all of the other teams are not good

C) Because his coach misses a lot of games

D) Because the basketball court is the perfect environment for winning a game

A) Because he thinks Justin is special

His height and skill help his team to win


What does it mean to be impatient? 

A) restless, irritated, unable to wait

B) eager

C) calm

D) easy-going

The correct answer is A. 

usually unable to wait, restless


In fiction, an author may use italics to show--

A) the actions of the character

B) where the story takes place

C) what the character is thinking

D) what the character is feeling

C) what the character is thinking

Authors use italics to show what the character is thinking or saying. 


What is rising action?

A) the events immediately following the climax

B) the events on the first two pages of a text

C) the events leading up to the climax

D) out the story ends

C) the events leading up to the climax

*Helps develop the story.


Which of the following is a metaphor?

A) This house is as clean as a whistle

B) They fought like cats and dogs

C) Watching the show was like watching grass grow

D) My heart is a stereo that beats for you!

D) My heart is a stereo that beats for you!


If Zachary's family likes to plant a garden and he is interested in planting gardens, you can best predict that Zachary will--

A) Never garden in the future

B) carry on the tradition of gardening 

C) invite his teacher to have dinner with vegetables from the garden

D) experiment with ways to cook the vegetables at high temperatures

B) carry on the tradition of gardening


What is a tradition? 

A) something you only do on holidays

B) the customs or beliefs handed down from generation to generation

C) doing something bizarre with family

B) the customs or beliefs handed down from generation to generation. 


How can you tell a character is revealed mainly through what they say? 

A) Because they don't show ANY actions

B) Because they are the narrator

C) Because a lot is shown of their character by what they say, using quotation marks. 

D) Because a character is always shown by what they say

The correct answer was C.

If the character speaks a lot they are likely showing their character by speaking. Read to find out.


The initiating conflict--

A) introduces the solution to the problem

B) introduces the characters to the reader

C) introduces the setting to the reader

D) introduces the conflict in the story

D) introduces the conflict in the story


The sun happily greeted everyone, "Good morning."

Which type of figurative language is expressed above?

A) metaphor

B) idiom

C) personification

D) hyperbole

C) personification


Ms. Lovelace calls Jahkese's mother and she grounds him for not having his homework finished again.

What statement is most likely true about Jahkese's mom? 

A) She wants Jahkese to learn from his mistakes

B) She closely observes Jahkese's behavior

C) She is eager to defend Jahkese's actions

D) She feels he has the ability to do well in school

A) She wants him to learn from his mistakes


What does treasured mean?

A) valuable; much loved; can't be replaced

B) something you find that is cheap

C) something you find that cost a lot

D) a best friend

A) valuable; much loved; can't be replaced

Would something from another country that was your grandmother's be a treasured thing? 


At a middle school you cannot be tardy more than 3 days or displinary action is taken for tardiness.

Complete the cause and effect chart.

Cause: Billy is tardy three times. Effect: ___________

A) Billy makes his friends unhappy

B) Billy receives several days of detention

C) Billy has little time to practice his band instrument

D) Billy misses class assignments

E) Billy must clean the science tables

B) Billy receives several days of detention

What is detention?


The turning point of the story is the climax (the exciting part). How do you figure out the climax of the story?

A) Google it on the internet

B) Find the event in the story where you can most likely tell if the protagonist is or isn't going to "win"

C) Ask the teacher

D) Look at the end of the story to see how it turned out and you will always find your turning point there

B) Find the event in the story where you can most likely tell if the protagonist is or isn't going to "win". 

It's the exciting part of the story that you were waiting to find out about.


Which of the following is a simile? 

A) I'm so hungry I could eat a horse

B) He is as busy as a bee

C) The doctor likes to fish on the weekends

D) As long as you study you can stay up late

B) He is as busy as a bee


Jahkese, relaxed, thinking Ms. Lovelace would let another unfinished homework assignment slip by. 

What does this sentence suggest?

A) Ms. Lovelace usually understands Jahkese's actions

B) Ms. Lovelace and Jahkese usually know what to expect from each other.

C) Jahkese and Ms. Lovelace get along well with each other.

D) Ms. Lovelace sometime forgives Jahkese's unfinished homework. 

D) Ms. Lovelace sometimes forgives Jahkese's unfinished homework. 


What does acknowledgement mean?

A) admitting something is true

B) showing appreciation

C) expressing strong feelings

D) acting out of concern

A) admitting something is true


Which sentence shows a comparison? 

A) Gracie's roses, red, yellow, and pink, were arranged with greenery in the square, large vase

B) Macey's were full and beautiful, not a single one wilted or flat

C) Some of the flowers were wilted, flat, and wide, unlike the roses that Macey had

D) Gracie's flowers are pretty

C) Some of the flowers were wilted, flat, and wide, unlike the roses that Macey had

Which word in the sentence signals its a comparison?
