Plot Elements
Making Inferences
Test Strategies
In "The Hard Word", in what part of the story does George and his friends fall through the ice? A. Exposition B. Climax C. Rising Action D. Conflict
What is Climax
Which detail tells you that Mrs. McCoy is hungry? a) Her eyes filling up with tears. b) She is limping around the room. c) She starts reading a book. d) Her stomach growls loudly.
What is D. Her stomach growls loudly.
George's inability to say "no" to his friends when it counted is an example of what type of conflict?
What is man vs. himself.
As we read a passage, we should...?
What is take notes (annotate or "chunk and jot").
When he didn’t understand the instructions, the student asked the teacher to clarify them. a) repeat b) call c) explain d) stop
What is C. explain
In this part of the novel, WONDER, we find out that Auggie has Treacher Collins syndrome. A. Exposition B. Climax C. Rising Action D. Conflict
What is Exposition
An inference is when we make an educated guess based on clues from the text and... A. Key details B. Background Knowledge C. Character Traits D. Personal beliefs
What is Background Knowledge
Armando’s car broke down in the woods and his phone wasn’t getting a signal. He used his car antenna as a spear and caught fresh salmon. He started a fire with sparks from his car battery, and he ate the cooked salmon while waiting for help to arrive. What character trait does Armando demonstrate? a) Sneaky b) Talented c) Wise d) Brave
What is C. Wise
What are two strategies we can use to determine the meaning of unknown words?
What is look for stems and use context clues.
Which piece of text evidence is the best support for this claim/position? Claim: Dark chocolate is the healthy because it can help reduce a person's health issues. a) In Source 1, Dr Dirk Taubert says, "Dark chocolate -- not white chocolate -- lowers high blood pressure." b) "But that's no license to go on a chocolate binge. You have to balance the extra calories by eating less of other things" (Source 1). c) "Too much dark chocolate can increase a person's health issues" (Source 1).
What is A.
In the story, "Vivien's Move", the fact that Vivien doesn't want to move to San Francisco is the__________ A. Exposition B. Climax C. Rising Action D. Conflict
What is Conflict
Tate stamps his feet and crosses his arms. How do you think he feels? a) joyful b) tearful c) lonely d) angry
What is D. angry.
Jake is Amanda’s older brother. One day they are walking home from school when a cold front rolls in and the temperature drops 20 degrees. Jake is dressed more appropriately for the weather than Amanda. He takes off his hooded sweatshirt and offers it to her. She gratefully accepts. Jake is now colder, but he is happier. What character trait does Jake demonstrate? a) Athletic b) Kindhearted c) Grateful d) Thoughtless
What is B. Kindhearted.
Before we read a passage, we should.... A. Chunk and Jot B. Preview the Questions C. Skim and Scan for answers D. Answer the questions
What is Preview the Questions
Crack! Thunder struck and rain poured. Max stared blankly out the window, trying to contain his emotions that raged like the weather. He was beginning to lose it. Dropping the kite from his hand, Max broke out into full sob. His mother comforted him, "There, there, Max. We'll just find something else to do." She began to unpack the picnic basket that was on the counter and offered him a sandwich. Max snapped, "I don't wanna sand-mich!" A flash from the sky lit up the living room. Boom! Mom sighed. Why is Max upset? a) It is raining and he cannot go outside b) He is hungry c) He is scared of thunderstorms d) He is bored
What is A. It is raining and he cannot go outside.
What part of "Wonder" are we reading right now? A. Falling Action B. Climax C. Rising Action D. Resolution
What is Rising Action
Nicole came out of the elevator in her apartment building. She ran to the curb and held up her arm to hail a taxi. When she hopped in, she said, “Please take me to 34545th Street.” You can infer that... a) Nicole's car is broken. b) Nicole is going on vacation. c) Nicole is going shopping. d) Nicole lives in a large city.
What is D. Nicole lives in a large city.
Before choosing our answer choice, we should do the following: A. Read all of the answer choices B. Reread the entire passage C. Skim and Scan for text evidence D. Both A & C
What is Both A & C.
Why is the setting important in a story? a) It helps us understand the end. b) It helps build the conflict. c) It helps us be a part of the story. d) Its not important.
What is B. It helps build the conflict.
In "A Hard Word", George's father asks George why he disobeyed his instructions. This takes place during what part of the story? A. Resolution B. Falling Action C. Climax D. Exposition
What is Falling Action
Everett held his father's hand as he crossed the busy parking lot. They walked into a grocery store. Everett's dad lifted him into the seat of the shopping cart. “Here,”said dad, “You can hold my shopping list.” You can infer that... a) Everett had never been to a grocery store. b) Everett's dad does not shop often. c) Everett's dad needs help with shopping. d) Everett is very young.
What is D. Everett is very young.
What process can we use to determine a character's traits?
What is P.A.I.R. (Physical Appearance, Actions, Inner Thoughts, Reactions).
We can narrow down our answer choices by using...?
What is The Process of Elimination.
What is the best example of a possible theme? A. Love is important. B. The tortoise won the race, because he was steady. C. Working together is better than working alone. D. Friendship
What is C.