She was born in 1979.
When was she born?
He was born in 1962.
When was he born?
This character was born in 1902.
When was he born?
This character was born in 1999.
When was he born?
She was born in 1941.
When was she born?
She is British.
What is her nationality?
He lived in Gotham City.
Where did he live?
He lived his adventures in Neverland.
Where did he live his adventures?
He lived underwater.
Where did he live?
She worked in a fashion shop.
Where did she work? What was her job?
She studied in a famous school called Hogwarts.
Where did she study?
His costume was red and blue.
What color was his costume?
He had a special talent : he can fly.
What was his special talent? What talent did he have?
He was a cook in a fast food restaurant underwater.
What was his job?
She had black hair and blue eyes.
What color was her hair? What color were her eyes?
She had red hair.
What color was her hair?
He was a journalist.
What was his job?
His clothes were green.
What color were his clothes?
His best friend's name was Patrick.
What was his best friend's name? Who was his best friend?
She had magical objects : a tiara, a lasso, bracelets.
What magical objects did she have?
Her best friends were Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.
Who were her best friends?
His real name was Peter Parker.
What was his real name?
His enemy was Captain Hook.
Who was his enemy?
He generally wore brown pants, a white shirt and a red tie.
What did he generally wear?
Her male equivalent was Super Man.
Who was her male equivalent?