Pest & Disease Identification
Name that Crop
Soil & Fertility Management
Harvest, Wash, Pack

carrot rust fly


This solanacae comes in varieties such as "Diamond" and "Ping Tung Long"



Billy Bob was digging a hole to plant something and noticed that the soil was grey in certain spots...what does this mean?

The grey areas are anaerobic


Why do we stack bins upside down and in pyramid style rather than choosing to stack them right side up or one inside of the other?

To mitigate the collection of moisture and potential microbial contamination


Why do we trellis the crops in the lower field cat tunnels?

Ease of access, ease of harvest, able to fit more plants into the available space, reduce disease pressure


Squash Vine Borer


This crop can be picked when green but is typically preferred in it's mature color such as red, orange, or yellow. 

Sweet Peppers 


What is the purpose of adding sugar to a compost tea?

To act as an easy food source for microbes, allowing them to reproduce and proliferate within the liquid culture more rapidly.


We sell to farmers market, restaurants, and CSA customers. From highest to lowest priority, which market gets the highest quality produce and which gets the lowest quality? Explain why.

Resturants, CSA, Farmers Market


The chickens tractors are moved how often? Why?

Every 1 to 2 days?


Leaf Miner


This relative of the tomatillo has a small husk and is ready to harvest when it falls to the ground

Ground cherries


What is the difference between a compost tea and a compost extract?

Extract pulls a diverse set of microbes from compost that is suspended in water and applied immediately.

Tea pulls a diverse set of microbes from compost that is suspended in water and is then fed to promote population growth of select species, which is then applied.


Name 5 crops that are stored in the cold cooler

Kale, Chard, lettuce, carrots, parsley, cilantro, etc


Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the direct seeding vs transplanting. In other words, why might someone choose to use one strategy over the other? 

Direct seeding eliminates transplant shock but usually involves more soil disturbance, transplanting can ensure more optimal use of available space but involves more labor....etc. 


Japanese Beetle


This crop belongs to the Mallows family and is planted with 2 rows per bed and 1 foot spacing within each row.



Explain the strategy of stale seed bedding

First, disturb the soil to disrupt and kill weeds while knowing that this will cause other weeds seeds within the "Seed Bank" of the soil to germinate. Next, provide a little irrigation over the next few days to get these new weed seeds to germinate. Once they are small thread like plants, do a very light disturbance to kill these baby weeds. Directly after this, you can direct seed or transplant your preferred crop


Name 5 crops that are stored in the warm cooler

tomatoes, peppers, squash, basil, eggplant, okra, etc


Abby mentioned that the willow plantings were at a disadvantage when they were transplanted for the windbreak. Why?

They were propagated in an environment that did not resemble their final planting location (ie water). The roots they developed were suited to a water environment and ill prepared to survive in a soil medium. They needed to adjust to that environment and the shock was too great. Also they didn't get irrigated 


girdling from rabbit


When this crop is growing in temperatures that are too hot, the symptoms can include irregular or lumpy heads, and leaves growing up within the heads.



Name 3 cover crops we use on the farm. Name the main functions each of them serve to manage soil fertility? 

rye, barley, clover, sorghum-sudan, daikon/tillage radish, canola, soybean, corn,


What indicator helps us know that it's time to harvest the microgreens.

The emergence of a true leaf and/or they are starting to fall over


Describe how the farm team decides which crops are selected for the CSA. (hint - this is gunna be a long answer)

Team work makes the dream work
