Who should you stay with during the field trip, unless we are sitting down in our sections.
List things students are expected to do in the hallway and stairwell.
walk, quiet, whisper voice, no kicking the mesh on stairs, stay on the right side of the stairs, no banging on the walls.
The Chaperones for our field trip are...
Ms. Pam (Kai's mon), Mr. Joseph (Briella's Dad), Ms. Loana (Sarai's cousin), Mr. Hawk and Ms. McMahan
When is it ok to walk up to Ms. McMahan while she is in the middle of a lesson (whole group, 1:1 or small group)?
Only if there is blood or vomit.
Who is Ms. Rouse and what does she do?
Intervention Lead: She supports students and teachers, runs Allies in Action, Rainbow Club
Can you purchase items from the concession stands?
Yes, with you own money.
When is it okay to open any doors that lead to the outside of the school?
You must bring...
full water bottle, lunch, sweater or coat for the morning
How should your body be when you are hanging out on the rug for social time/ free time/ fun Friday?
On your bottom.
Who is Ms. Segado?
200 bonus points for students who are able to share what he does and when you might go to his office?
Vice Principal
Answers may vary for bonus.
Wondering off from our section is...
Not allowed.
During the first 15 minutes of any transition back into the classroom you should not ask Ms. McMahan...
There is a no ___ policy at school and on field trip
When is it appropriate to use the sink?
When you need to wash your hands, or clean art materials, fill your water bottle.
Please do not use the sink for bodily fluids or hair maintenance.
Who is Ms. Neelab?
200 bonus for students who know what she does for our school
Office Manager
answers my vary for bonus question
Throwing food in the stands, at other people, on the baseball field is...
Not allowed
Should you questions someone else's choice to wear a mask?
Who are the A's playing tomorrow?
If you need a white board, marker or sharpened pencil you should...
Ask Ms. McMahan when she is not teaching a lesson. Do not touch Ms. McMahan's desk or materials behind her desk unless she has given you permission.
Who is Ms. Tran?
200 bonus for students who can explain what she does for our school.
Attendance Clerk
Hanging on the railing, jumping over seats and running in the stands is...
What is something that students do in the bathroom that is not allowed?
Scream, constantly flush the toilet, waste water on the floor, etc.
When you have to use the bathroom or want to go to the concession stand you should...
first tell an adult, and wait for a chaperone to walk with you to the nearest bathroom. Walk back to the stands with your chaperone.
What are the ONLY three items that should be in your desk at the end of the day.
Books, morning journal, pencil
Maybe a pencil sharpener.
Love is getting a new Garden instructor. What is her name?
300 bonus she has a child at Love in what grade?
Meg, child is in Kindergarten