What is the hand signal you use when you need to go to the bathroom?
What should your voice level be at while in the hallway?
What is the hydration station and where in the classroom is it located?
Where we keep our water bottles, it is by the closet
How long is recess after lunch?
20 minutes
How long do you have to eat lunch?
20 minutes
How many boys are allowed in the bathroom at a time?
What do we call our line order?
1,2,3 order
What are all 5 hand signals and what do they represent?
1 = bathroom, 2 = drink, 3 = tissue, 5 = question, fist = emergency
What playground do we play on?
Upper elementary playground
Explain what the lunchroom should look like before you go outside.
Answers will vary
Explain how the ducks work in our classroom.
(Miss Johnson will judge if answer is correct)
Name a time that it is okay to be in the hallway.
Answers will vary
What is Miss Johnson's number one job?
To keep you safe!
What games can you play outside at recess?
Tag, soccer, football, etc.
Who are you allowed to sit by at lunch?
Anyone from our class!
Name a time you ARE allowed to go to the bathroom during the day.
Recess, lunch, PAWS, Class Meeting
How should our line look in the hallway?
Quiet and straight
Where should cold lunchers put their lunch and when?
In the tub in the back of the classroom right away in the morning.
Try to solve it yourself, if you can't, get a recess staff member.
Where does your lunch box go before you go outside?
Back in our class bin
Name a time you are NOT allowed to go to the bathroom.
Reading, Math, Science
What happens if we are not following hallway expectations?
Practice again at recess time
Explain how to make a lunch choice and when you should do it.
Put your color card in the right color bin right away in the morning
What are you allowed to bring outside to morning recess?
A snack or equipment
The lunch # job person and their helper