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This is the name of the following capitalized item in the list: pineapple, MANGO, kiwi, grapefruit
What is a type of fruit?
This is a quick reference in the front a book that may be used to find a subject, page, or chapter.
What is a table of contents?
This is the sum of the following mixed numbers: 17 1/3 + 5 3/5 A. 22 4/5 B. 20 3/5 C. 21 13/15 D. 22 14/15
What is D., 22 14/15?
This is the name for an energe source, such as oil, coal, or natural gas, made from organisms that lived long ago. A. unnatural resouces B. humus C. geothermal energy D. fossil fuel
What is D. fossil fuel?
This word finishes the sentence: A marsh is wet. A desert is ____________. A. humidity B. tundra C. prairie D. arid
What is arid?
This is meaning of the acronym in the following sentence: The audience applauded when the VIP walked onto the stage.
What is a Very Important Person?
This is an informational resource page that is designed to protect the author's rights.
What is the copyright page?
A schoolbus weighs about 20,000 pounds. This is how many tons it weighs. A. 8 tons B. 9 tons C. 10 tons D. 11 tons
What is C. 10 tons?
This is anything that causes harm to the environment. A. predator B. solar energy C. pollution D. natural resources
What is C.?
This is one state that borders Canada. A. California B. Maine C. Nevada D. Massachusetts
What is B., Maine?
This type of fiction includes stories that could happen to anyone.
What is realistic fiction?
This is the affix added to loyal which changes the meaning to "the quality of being loyal."
What is -ty?
This is the number that is composite: A. 67 B. 73 C. 89 D. 81
What is D. 81?
This is an important advance in the field of nutrition: A. the invention of the automobile. B. the discovery of vitamins. C. the invention of the microwave. D. the discovery of electricity
What is B., the discovery of vitamins?
This is NOT one reason colonists came to the New World. A. to gain religious freedom B. to find gold and gain wealth C. to find Native Americans D. to find a new trade route to Asia
What is C., to find a new trade route to Asia?
This is the opinion in the following list: A. Ruby Bridges went to school in New Orleans, LA B. For several months, Ruby was the only child in her class C. The judge in New Orleans was courageous D. Ruby was the first Black child to attend William Franz Elementary School.
What is C.?
A good reader makes inferences using these two things.
What are context clues from the passage and his/her own experience?
This is the least fraction: A. 5/12 B. 5/8 C. 5/6 D. 1/2
What is A. 5/12?
This is the particle of an atom that has a positive charge. A. protons B. electrons C. neutrons D. newtons
What is A. protons?
These are the three branches in the United States government.
What are legislative, executive, and judicial?
This is the meaning of the word PLACID in the following sentence: Although Franklin is usually so full of energy, he surprised us all with his PLACID behavior. A. bad B. calm C. wild D. active
What is B., calm?
The following list of words can be identified as______. finally, next, therefore, after that
What are transition words?
The following is a list that shows the height, in inches, of 7 fifth graders. 52, 59, 54, 57, 61, 55, 54 This is the difference in the tallest and shortest heights. A. 2 inches B. 7 inches C. 9 inches D. 12 inches
What is C., 9 inches?
This is the correct order of the water cycle: evaporation transpiration precipitation condensation
What is evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation?
This term is used to describe the colonists who fought against the British in the Revolutionary War.
What are patriots?