Test Items 1-5
Test Items 6-10
Test Items 11-15
Test Items 16-20
Test Items 21-25

How did Native Americans contribute to the Columbian Exchange?

a. They introduced the potato, which became a food staple for many Europeans.
b. They traded tomatoes for better weapons which allowed them to defeat the Aztecs.
c. They showed early explorers how to plant corn, which could only be grown in North America.
d. They brought wheat to the New World for farming in the Midwest region.

They introduced the potato, which became a food staple for many Europeans.


What was the overall effect of the Columbian Exchange on most of the native people of North America?
a. It was harmful to them.
b. It had no effect on them.
c. It was good for them.
d. It improved their lives.

It was harmful to them.


How did the Columbian Exchange affect the population of Native Americans?

a. Spanish conquistadors married the natives and brought them back to Europe.
b. Europeans brought medicine to the New World which helped the Native Americans survive.
c. The Columbian Exchange brought new diseases to the Americas killing many natives.
d. Native Americans moved to North America to escape the Europeans.

The Columbian Exchange brought new diseases to the Americas killing many natives.


Which statement best explains the effects of Old World diseases on the New World?

a. Old World diseases were similar to illnesses in the New World, so Native Americans rarely became sick with the new diseases.
b. The diseases were spread by certain foods brought from Europe and Africa, so people stopped growing and eating those foods.
c. Old World diseases affected mostly farm animals, which led to a decline in food production.
d. Native Americans had never been exposed to these diseases, which caused many natives to become sick and die.

Native Americans had never been exposed to these diseases, which caused many natives to become sick and die.


Perhaps the most devastating aspect of the Columbian Exchange was _________.

a. the extinction of animals in the New World by invasive species 

b. the European diseases that decimated indigenous populations in the Americas

c. the slave trade that became part of the Columbian Exchange between Africa and the New World 

d. the wave of explorers that ensued and began to populate the Americas and push the native peoples out of their homelands 

 the European diseases that decimated indigenous populations in the Americas


 Which statement is true of the plants traded during the Columbian Exchange?
a. The New World stopped sending plants to the Old World after the exchange.
b. The New World plants did not grow well in the Old World.
c. The New World started growing Old World plants after the exchange.
d. The New World plants first came from the Old World.

The New World started growing Old World plants after the exchange.


7.    Which statement is true about the first Africans who arrived in North America?

a. They were looking for religious freedom.

b. They were looking for free or inexpensive land.

c. Most were forced to come as slaves and some as indentured servants.

d. They came to claim land for farming.

Most were forced to come as slaves and some as indentured servants.

The first North Americans entered crossed the Bering Straight following ___________.
What are mammoths.

Which statement best describes a consequence of the Columbian Exchange? 

a. The introduction of diseases from the Western Hemisphere caused the decline of livestock in Europe.
b. The introduction of new crops from the Eastern Hemisphere led to the development of corn as a food staple in Europe.
c. The introduction of cash crops from the Eastern Hemisphere led to the development of plantations in southern colonies.
d. The introduction of livestock from the Western Hemisphere led to the decline of grain production in the Americas.

The introduction of cash crops from the Eastern Hemisphere led to the development of plantations in southern colonies.


Which of the following had a profound effect on the growth of agriculture in the New World?
a. The introduction of maize, white potatoes, and sweet potatoes to the Americas
b. The waves of settlers and explorers that began to populate the New World
c. The horses, cattle, sheep, and goats that came from the Old to New World
d. The rise of African slavery that originated as part of the Middle Passage

The horses, cattle, sheep, and goats that came from the Old to New World.


Which cultural group contributed corn and potatoes to the Columbian Exchange?
a. Asians
b. Western Europeans
c. Africans
d. Native Americans

Native Americans


The Columbian Exchange happened through which countries?

a. Europe, Asia, and Africa
b. Africa, Australia, and the Americas
c. Europe, Africa, and the Americas
d. Australia, Antarctica, and Africa

Europe, Asia, and Africa

Name the three largest countries in North America.
What are Canada, the United States and Mexico?

The export of New World crops to the Old World transformed European society mostly by _________. 

a. improving diets and thereby stimulating
population growth
b. encouraging enclosure of open lands and pushing workers off of farms
c. promoting greater exploration of the
interior of the American continents
d. fostering conflicts among major powers over access to new food supplies

 improving diets and thereby stimulating
population growth


 Many crops were shared between Native Americans and Europeans during the Columbian Exchange. Which effects did these American crops have on Europeans?
Select the two correct answers.
A. The crops helped Europeans have more balanced diets.
B. The crops led to the development of large-scale agriculture in Europe.
C. The crops increased slavery in Europe.
D. Wheat crops and rye crops transformed farming methods in Europe.
E. Different types of crops could be produced on small European farms.

1. The crops helped Europeans have more balanced diets. 

2. Different types of crops could be produced on small European farms.


Which statement best explains how crops from the New and Old Worlds affected people?

a. The cost of food increased in the Old World, so many people could not try new foods.
b. The introduction of new foods made for a more varied diet for people in the Old World.
c. Crops such as corn, wheat, and tomatoes helped create the Southern slavery system in the New World.
d. American Indians adopted Old World foods such as corn, turnips, and rice into their diets.

The introduction of new foods made for a more varied diet for people in the Old World.


How did the Columbian Exchange help cause population changes?

a. Spanish conquistadors bought weapons using the Columbian Exchange.
b. Many Europeans came to the Americas as a result of the Columbian Exchange.
c. New diseases spread to the Americas during the Columbian Exchange.
d. Many native peoples moved to Europe as part of the Columbian Exchange.

New diseases spread to the Americas during the Columbian Exchange.


Which statement best explains how crops from the New and Old Worlds affected people throughout the world?

a. The cost of food increased in the Old World, so many people could not try new foods.
b. The introduction of new foods made for a more varied diet for people in the Old World.
c. Crops such as corn, wheat, and tomatoes helped create a slavery system in the New World.
d. Native Americans adopted Old World foods such as corn, turnips, and rice into their diets.

The introduction of new foods made for a more varied diet for people in the Old World.


The patterns described in the Columbian Exchange most directly foreshadowed which of the following

a. The spread of maize cultivation northward from present-day Mexico into the American Southwest
b. The population decline in Native American societies
c. The gradual shift of European economies from feudalism to capitalism
d. The emergence of racially mixed populations in the Americas

The population decline in Native American societies.


 Which statement best describes the impact that European colonists had on Native Americans during the first decades of colonization?
A. Many Native Americans died from smallpox and other European diseases.
B. The European colonists helped Native Americans build huge cities and develop their empire.
C. The majority of Native Americans moved west to create a better life for themselves.
D. Many Native Americans adopted European farming practices that destroyed their crops.

Many Native Americans died from smallpox and other European diseases.


Which of the following items from the Columbian Exchange MOST helped the Native Americans?

a. corn and potatoes
b. gold and silver
c. horses
d. bananas and sugar cane



Which crop was brought to Europe from the Americas?

a. rice
b. oats
c. corn
d. wheat



Which statement best explains why the arrival of animals from the Old World was so important to the New World? 

a. Native Americans could use the animals to begin farming for the first time.
b. Native Americans could use the animals for transportation, food, and clothing.
c. European settlers could use the animals to trade with Native Americans for cash crops.
d. Native Americans could use the animals to trade with European settlers for tools and guns.

 Native Americans could use the animals for transportation, food, and clothing.


The trends shown in triangular trade that started with Columbus most directly illustrate which of the following major historical developments in the Atlantic world?
a. The growth of mercantile empires that
stretched across the Atlantic
b. The increasing anglicization of the English colonies
c. The phenomenon known as the Columbian Exchange
d. The rise of the trans-Atlantic slave trade

The phenomenon known as the Columbian Exchange.


Which of the following were Spanish colonial achievements?

a. tobacco farming

b. gold and silver mining

c. Roman Catholic religion

d. fur trading

1. gold and silver mining

2. Roman Catholic religion
