A profession of what we believe
What is the Nicene Creed?
Stories Jesus told
What are Parables?
Praying before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament
What is Adoration?
Highest degree of Holy Orders
What are Bishops?
Acts of love that help us care for the needs of people's hearts, minds and souls
What are Spiritual Works of Mercy?
Adam and Eve ate from this
What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
To whom apostles passed on their authority
Who are Bishops?
In the Hail Mary, we ask for
What is Mary to pray for us?
Term for bread and wine becoming Christ's Body and Blood
What is Transubstantiation?
A day required to participate in Mass
What are Holy Days of Obligation?
God did not take this away from Adam and Eve after the fall.
What is the love of God?
Differences between humans and animals
What are humans have immortal souls?
A sorrowful Mystery
What is The Crowning with Thorns?
Prayer expressing sorrow for offending God, and choice to avoid future sin
What is Act of Contrition?
Three theological virtues
What are faith, hope and love?
Flowed from Jesus' side at the crucifixion
What is blood and water?
Reasons to form your conscience
What is to do good and avoid sin?
A personal relationship with God
What is prayer?
Sacrament of Healing
What are Confession and Anointing of the Sick?
The practice of self-control
What is temperance?
God's ultimate expression of love
What is Jesus dying for our sins.
The Greatest Commandment
What is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind?
Not an obstacle to prayer
What is holiness?
Gives the sacraments their power
Who is Jesus?
Describe the Eucharist
What is the source and summit of the Christian life?