Describe the inner critic.
(As long as you get the general idea, you're all good!)
True or False: The inner critic will minimize bad things. If False, explain reasoning.
False; the inner critic will minimize good things.
True or False: The inner critic can negatively impact your relationships with others. (friends, family, partner, etc.) If False, explain reasoning.
True or False: One strategy to address your inner critic is to focus on the negative rather than the positive. If False, explain reasoning.
False; focus on the positive rather than the negative
Give an example of something your inner critic would say in response to a negative situation.
(Free response)
True or False: The inner critic will often be overly critical. If False, explain reasoning.
The statement you should turn, "this will happen," into.
What is, "this may/might/could/etc. happen"?
A term that the inner critic is also known as.
What is negative self-evaluation?
True or False: The inner critic will try to predict what others will think about a situation. If False, explain reasoning.
Example: I thought I was gonna get (x) on this test, but I got (y)! My parents are gonna kill me.
The word for taking out your feelings on someone else.
Example: You're upset because of a bad grade you got, so when you go home, you're more irritable and rude towards your siblings.
What is projecting?
Turn this statement into something more realistic: "I'm never gonna get into college."
"I could never get into college." (Or something along these lines; any variation that ensures the possibility of the "never" still exists, but reassures that it's just a possibility and not the set future.)
Often displays a ___ mindset.
What is "all or nothing/either or/black and white"?
The inner critic will ___ negative situations, making them feel more stressful.
What is "catastrophize/magnify"?
The word for acknowledging factors that played a role in a situation rather than blaming yourself.
What is depersonalizing?