Piece of cake
Its easy
see eye to eye
Ethan!sat!at!the!counter!making!chocolate!milk.!!Jeffery!came!up!and!said,!“Mmm,!that! sure!looks!good.”
I want one
Draw a blank
Can't remember
it cost an arm and a leg
Mom!carried!the!groceries!in!from!the!car!while!Bob!and!I!played!basketball.!!“Boy,these! bags!are!heavy,”!she!said.
I need help
Were in the same boat
Same situation
change of heart
change your mind
This math homework is too hard.
I want help
get a kick out of it
enjoyed/liked it
get cold feet
I dont have enough money.
Can I borrow some money
Down to the wire
at the last minute
fell on deaf ears
people wouldnt listen
I don't like that noise
Please stop making it.