What is the definition of the root PORT?
to carry
What is the central idea?
What the passage is about.
What type of figurative language is this sentence?
Zing, went the violin strings.
Dear Grandma,
Thank you for the new outfit and shoes. Now I am excited about the first day of school. I can't wait to wear my new outfit. I really wanted that shirt, but I didn't have enough money for it. Thanks again! I love you!
What kind of voice do the authors use in this article?
A. mean
B. gratefulC. loving
What is the definition of the suffix -ion and -ism?
the process of
Homemade pizza is delicious. First, make the dough from flour, water, and yeast. After that, begin making the tomato sauce. Next, add any vegetables you like. Then, bake it in the oven. After a short time, the kitchen begins to smell delicious. Soon, it’s ready to eat!
The main idea of this passage is:
a. Pizza is made from flour
b. How to make homemade pizza
c. Pizza is easy to make
d. Pizza makes the kitchen smell delicious
b. How to make homemade pizza
He's as quiet as a mouse.
Bob was walking down the road. He had heard about the rabid squirrels, and how they had been attacking peoples pets. He kept his dog, Hunter, inside most of the time. His neighbor's cat was attacked two days ago by a pack of them. Bob worries about Hunter and his safety.
What kind of voice do the authors use in this article?
A. stressed
B. confused
C. calm
Who sings the songs Man in the Mirror, PYT, and Thriller?
Michael Jackson
We must preserve our historical monuments.
preserve (pri-ZURV) verb 1. to keep safe from harm 2. to keep in good condition 3. to prepare a food item to be kept for future use
Which definition defines the word in the sentence?
2. to keep in good condition
Bullet trains go faster than normal trains, and can reach speeds of up to 268mph. The Bullet train is a type of train, so there are a few of them around the world. They can be used to transport people or cargo. They are famous in Japan, but are also found in Europe and Russia.
What idea is supported in this paragraph?
A. Bullet trains only transport cargo.
B. The Bullet train is the fastest train in the world.
C. Every country has a Bullet train.
B. The Bullet train is the fastest train in the world.
The branches bowed to the ground.
First pop out (remove) the egg yolks to a small bowl and mash with a fork. Next add mayonnaise, mustard powder, vinegar, salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Then fill the empty egg white shells with the mixture and sprinkle lightly with paprika. Finally cover lightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for up to one day before serving.
What text structure is this written in?
A. sequence
B. cause and effect
C. compare and contrast
On a standard traffic light, where is the green light located.
My favorite Greek myth is the one about Prometheus.
myth (mith) noun 1. a traditional story 2. a false but popular idea or belief 3. an imaginary person, animal, or thing
Which definition defines the word in the sentence?
1. a traditional story
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Evergreen trees stay green all year round. Evergreen trees are found on every continent of the Earth except Antarctica. There are hundreds of species of evergreens including Palm trees, Pine trees, Fir trees and Redwoods. Leaves from trees that are not evergreens will always turn brown and fall during autumn, but evergreens keep their green or bluish-colored leaves throughout the year.
Evergreens stay green all year long.
He is a giant in his class, towering a foot over his classmates.
The wood thrush is a cousin to the robin. Both birds lay eggs that are a pretty turquoise blue. When robins are babies, they have spotted chests like the wood thrush. And both kinds of birds migrate in the winter. However, there are some differences. The wood thrush prefers deep forests, while the robin can live in towns and backyards. The wood thrush builds a neater nest than the robin. Both birds are fun to see flying around.
What text structure is this written in?
A. sequence
B. cause and effect
C. compare and contrast
How many months of the year have 28 days?
All of them.
Building a skyscraper over a thousand feet high needed much planning. First, plans for the Empire State Building were rendered on paper.
render (‘ren-dər) verb 1. to give in return 2. to represent in a drawing 3. to represent in spoken words 4. to surrender
Which definition defines the word in the sentence?
2. to represent in a drawing
What is the central idea of this text?
Brushing your teeth is very important. If you do not brush them, plaque will grow and will turn to hard Tartar that will need to be scraped off. Also, plaque is dangerous for your teeth because it eats the enamel on your teeth. This is how you get holes that will need to be filled by a dentist.
Not brushing your teeth is dangerous.
What does this metaphor mean?
Their voice is music to my ears.their voice sounds nice, I like hearing their voice.
What is the author's voice in this sentence:
"The Hershey Bears lost again last night, this time to the Kansas City Knights who were ranked last by the NHL. Guess not anymore."
upsetting, disappointed
Kate’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle and ___?