Similes use what two words to compare one thing to another?
Metaphors do what?
Compare two things without using "like" or "as".
What does personification do?
It gives a non-human object or idea a human trait, quality, or ability.
The trees were like soldiers standing at attention.
Simile or metaphor?
Simile- the trees were like soldiers!
A simile uses the words _______ or _______ to compare two things.
A simile uses "LIKE" or "AS" to compare two things.
Molly's eyes was as bright as stars.
What is this simile describing?
Molly's eyes.
Her tears were a river down her cheeks.
What is the metaphor describing?
How she is crying.
The trees danced in the breeze.
What is being personified?
The trees- they can't actually dance!
Alice Johnson is a zoo sometimes!
Metaphor- Milestones is a zoo.
A ________ says one thing is another thing.
A METAPHOR says one thing is another thing.
You are as brave as a lion!
What is this simile describing?
How brave you are!
The sand was a blanket stretched out all across the beach.
What is the metaphor describing?
How the sand covers the beach.
My alarm clock yells at me every morning to wake up.
What is being personified?
Alarm clock
Some people have a heart of stone.
Metaphor- the heart is a stone.
Personification gives _______ traits to non-human things.
Personification gives HUMAN traits to non-human things.
The siblings fought like cats and dogs on the weekends.
What is this simile describing?
The classroom was a zoo.
What is this metaphor describing?
The classroom was wild!
The book sat patiently on the shelf, waiting to be read.
What is being personified?
The bells were jingling like laughing children.
Simile- the bells jingling like laughing children.
Personification, Similes, and Metaphors are all types of "_________ ___________"
Personification, Similes, and Metaphors are all types of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE.
Jules was chattering away like a monkey.
What is this simile describing?
Jules is talking a lot!
Molly was a busy bee this morning!
What is this metaphor describing?
Molly was very busy!
My headphones hugged my head perfectly.
What is being personified?
The student was a gem in class.
"Blank"'s class is as good as gold.
Henderson's class is as good as gold!