Indirect Requests vs. Sarcasm
Do you mind if I......
What does it mean?
Idioms 2

Quincy was concerned about performing at first, but he practiced his part so well that he nailed it in the end.

To get something exactly right


Your bother is in the garage fixing a car, he comes to find you. "This car is a lot of work, would you mind giving me a hand?"

Indirect request- he is not directly telling you to help him, rather he is giving you a choice to.


You are watching TV with your cousin, but you don't like his show.  What could you say to get him to change the channel? Make an indrect request!

Hey, the football game with the Chargers is going to start in a few minutes! It is going to be a great game!


Her mother's hand are silk.

Her hands feel/are soft


When Tillie heard that we had forgotten to feed her pet bird, she really hit the roof.

To be really mad or upset


The spy seemed so trustworthy that he pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.

To completely fool someone

After waking up late, stubbing her toe in the shower, and missing the bus, Rachel realized she left her math homework at home. She yells "That's just what I needed today!"



On no! You are out with your friends, and you need to call your mom to pick you up later. BUT you left your phone at home today.

What need to ask your friend to borrow his phone. What could you say to 'drop a hint' about this.

Hey, do mind if I borrow your phone for a second here. I need to call my mom.


David goes to school and has two jobs. He is a working machine!

He works a lot


You may have mentioned this book before, but the title doesn't ring a bell.

To sound familiar


I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about Gordon looks different.

To understand or figure it out


A co-worker takes a personal call. Once she gets off the she sighs and says, "my ride home just bailed, now how will I get home?"

Indirect request- she asking for a ride home. 


You're with your friends and there is just one slice of pizza left.

No one seems to want it-

How could ask indirectly for that last slice?

That last piece is looking awfully good to me!"

Hey, I'm still hungry- I skipped lunch."


Kathy arrived at the grocery store with an army of children.

She had brought a lot of children with her.


Don't mention Hawaii, because Lexi will show her photographs of Waikiki Beach at the drop of a hat.

With little persuading


Making a wrong turn was a blessing in disguise because I discovered the perfect place for a picnic.

A problem that leads to something good


Mike's pen ran out of ink during English class, he looks around his desk and says aloud "I wish I had another pen."

Indirect Request- he is asking if someone could lend him a pen.


You are listening to a TV show. Your sister says, "Can you turn that down right now!!" 

is that a indirect or direct request?

How do you feel when she says that to you?

How could she make it an indirect request?


Bossed around- Uck.

"Hey, would you mind turning the volume down a bit?"


The computer in the classroom was a dinosaur.

The computer was old


Vincent tended his flowers carefully, so he figured the Best Rose Award was in the bag.

A certainty 


Tanner knew his chances of getting elected were bad, but he wanted to go for broke and run for office anyway.

To take a big risk

Mindy was so excited about the new perfume she got. While sitting in class, Ben comments "Nice perfume, how long did you marinate in it?" 



You going for a ride with your Aunt and Uncle. They have the air conditioning on - and you feel SUPER COLD!

What could you say to indirectly ask them to turn down the AC?

"Hey, is anyone chilly in here."

"Gee, I think I should have brought my jacket. It's cold in here.


Dad's company is a well-oiled machine.

His company runs smoothly, or runs well. 


From the looks of her beautiful garden, Jenna clearly has a green thumb!

An ability to grow plants well
