What is a simile?
A simile uses like or as to compare two things.
What is a metaphor?
Compares two things without using like or as.
What is personification?
Personification gives objects human characteristics.
What is a hyperbole?
A hyperbole is an exaggeration.
What do similes and metaphors have in common?
They both compare two things.
True or False
Similes give objects human characteristics
False- similes compare two things using like or as. So this would be personification.
True or False
Metaphors compare two things using like or as.
False- that is a simile.
True or False
Personification is an exaggeration
This is a hyperbole. True or False
The line went for miles
What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?
Is this a simile? Yes or No
That boy is as messy as a pig
Is this a metaphor? Yes or no
He could eat 100 eggs in a minute
No- metaphor
Is this personification?
My homework spoke to me
True or False
A hyperbole gives objects human characteristics
False, it is personification
What does this mean?
The video game calls his name every night.
He wants to play video games each night.
This is a metaphor. What do you need to add to make it a simile?
She is a walking dictionary.
Like- She is like a walking dictionary
Is this a metaphor? Yes or No
Rabbits wrap roads
Are these examples of personification? Yes or No
The water was savior to the thirsty hiker.
No, it's a metaphor
What is this figurative language?
It is an understatement.
What do hyperboles and understatements have in common?
They both exaggerate.
Which is a simile?
A. Sue sat so quietly.
B. It is raining cats and dogs
C. He is as fast as a cheetah
What is being compared?
He swam in a sea of diamonds
Sea and Diamonds
Which is an example of personification?
A. That chair jumped up and down at me
B. Silly Sue sighed in relief
C. He is as large as a whale
Which is an understatement?
A. He slept like a gorilla
B. I could drink a ocean right now
C. His face was stone
D. Lebron is a good basketball player.
Which is literal?
A. He is an owl with his eyesight.
B. I am as tired as a cheetah
C. Sid sleeps for 12 hours.
D. The cold gripped the hiker.