What figurative language do these lyrics contain?
"You are the thunder, an I am the lightning." - Rascal Flatts
Her voice was like velvety chocolate.
her voice = velvety chocolate
What is the difference between LITERAL language and FIGURATIVE language.
Literal language means exactly what is said while figurative language has different meanings than the words that are used.
Give me an example of personification.
giving a non-human thing a human characteristic
Give me an example of a hyperbole.
an exaggeration used for emphasis or humor
What figurative language do these lyrics contain?
"I came in like a wrecking ball." - Miley Cyrus
The weather today is as warm as summer.
weather = warm
This type of figurative language compares two things using the words "like" or "as" or does not use the words "like" or "as."
simile or metaphor
Give me an example of a sarcasm.
saying one thing but meaning the opposite or something else
Give me an example of alliteration.
using the same sound or letter
Name the figurative language: He was as fast as a cheetah.
She was as cute as a button.
She = cute
This type of figurative language is a fancy word that describes when a word sounds like the thing it is describing.
Give me an example of a simile or a metaphor.
compare two things using the words "like" or "as"
What kind of figurative language is the following sentence:
I just LOVE homework on the weekend. I totally didn’t want to play outside or anything.
Identify the figurative language: "The rabbit was as slow as a sloth"
That woman has the face of an angel.
woman = face of an angel
this literary device where we give human traits or characteristics to non-human objects, animals, or ideas
Give me an example of an onomatopoeia.
What kind of figurative language is the following sentence:
Suzy saw a silly seal.
Name the figurative language: He was a hurricane when he entered the room.
The light of his music lit up everyone in the room
music = light
Why do we use figurative language in our writing?
to help the reader better understand what we are trying to describe and make it more entertaining
Give me an example of an oxymoron.
two opposing words that go together in a phrase
What kind of figurative language is the following sentence:
He jumped so high, he touched the sky!