This figure of speech is when human qualities are given to animals or non-human things.
What is personification?
"You eat like a wild animal!" is an example of this figurative language
What is a simile?
(Comparison using like)
"The two toddlers were tired from tag." is an example of this form of figure of speech
What is alliteration?
(Repetition of T)
"The flowers danced in the wind." is an example of this figure of speech
What is personification?
(Flowers cannot dance)
"It is so hot, this car is an oven!" is an example of this figurative language
What is a metaphor?
(Comparison without like or as)
This figure of speech is when extreme exaggeration is used for emphasis
What is hyperbole?
"The cat is out of the bag," is an example of this.
What is an idiom?
(Means that something is no longer secret)
"Swish! The shot was nothing but net!" is an example of this.
What is onomatopoeia?
(Swish sound)
"The angry storm hammered on the building's roof." is an example of this.
What is personification?
(Storms cannot be angry or hammer)
"When Sarah was about to leave work, her boss gave her another project to start. Sarah responded by saying, 'Great, just what I wanted, more work!'" is an example of this.
What is verbal irony?
(Sarah said the opposite of what she thought / used sarcasm)
This figure of speech is when two or more contradictory, or opposite, terms appear together.
What is an oxymoron?
"The lion yelled at the other animals to demand their respect as king," is an example of this.
What is personification?
(Lions can't yell or demand respect)
"The church bell's ringing sent a loud 'clang' through the town." is an example of this.
What is onomatopoeia?
(Clang sound)
"The park's hidden waterfall was an open secret to all the visitors" is an example of this.
What is oxymoron?
(open / secret)
"Cat got your tongue?" is an example of this
What is an idiom?
(Means that someone is quiet)
This figure of speech is when the same letter or sound occurs at the beginning of closely connected words.
What is alliteration?
"That won't happen until pigs fly," is an example of this.
What is an idiom?
(Means that it will never happen)
"She sells seashells down by the seashore" is an example of this.
What is alliteration?
(Repetition of S)
"I am so tired, I could sleep for a whole week!" is an example of this.
What is hyperbole?
(Exaggeration of how tired they are)
"The comedian told a seriously funny joke that had everyone rolling on the floor!" is an example of these.
What is oxymoron and hyperbole?
(Seriously / funny and exaggeration of rolling on floor)
This figure of speech is a phrase that has an understood meaning different from the literal meaning
What is an idiom?
"She was as mighty as a tiger, while he stomped louder than an elephant," is an example of these figures of speech
What are simile and hyperbole?
(Comparison using as / exaggeration of stomping)
"My boss bothered me by buzzing around my desk." is an example of these.
What are alliteration and onomatopoeia?
(Repetition of B / buzzing)
"The thunder was as fierce as a raging bull!" is an example of this
What is a simile?
(Comparison using as)
"John found out that the librarian hates to read," is an example of this.
What is situational irony?
(Librarians are expected to enjoy reading)