'When' is what type of conjunction
What is coordinate conjuntions
The 5 Stages of Freytag’s Pyramid
1. Exposition 2. Rising Action
3. Climax 4. Falling Action
5. Resolution/Denouement
Identify the figurative language "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."
What is alliteration?
Her best friend is "down in the dumps" today. What does down in the dumps mean?
feeling sad
The CROW is a symbol of ...
What is Death
Create a compound sentence using a semi-colon (;)
Answer varies
Rob and I went to the store; Rob brought two bottles of Coke.
Ture or False-->A Closing sentence and a Clincher sentence are the same.
In order to ensure good weather we planned our wedding in the Spring; however, it snowed all day long is an example of
What is Irony (opposite outcome)
What does the idiom they are "two peas in a pod" mean?
They are just alike
The PHONEIX is a symbol of ...
what is REBIRTH
Write a complex sentence
Answer varies:
When the sun comes up at 8, I will be at the beach.
Name a type of Character that is well-developed and we know a lot about them.
What is a Round Character
A story with multiple or deeper meaning
Pun, Allegory, Oxymoron
What is a allegory
What does the idiom, this class "drives me up the wall" mean?
irritated, anger, or annoy a person
An OWL symbolizes
What is WISDOM
Write a compound sentence
Answer varies
I really need to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.
A type of Character who undergoes an important change in personality in the story.
What is a Dynamic Character
A nice way of saying something that is mean
Say Senior citizen, not elderly person. - Says Letting you go instead of your fired. - Correctional facility instead of prison. - Says Pre-owned–instead of second-hand
What is euphemism?
"I've got it in the bag"
confident in your success
A LION is a symbol of ...
What is royalty, strength, power, and courage?
Write a compound-complex sentence
Answer varies
Though Mitchell prefers watching action films, he rented the latest love story, and he enjoyed it very much.
A type of character in a narrative that is stereotypical such as the mean villain, the sensitive hero, the persecuted heroine, the simpleton, the faithful friend, and the villain's sidekick.
What is a STOCK character
Identify the figurative language: "Costs an arm and a leg."
What is a idiom?
"Jump on the bandwagon"
follow the trend
A DOVE symbolizes
What is peace