This type of figurative language compares two things using "like" or "as."
What is a simile?
Name the figurative language: The stars danced in the night.
What is personification?
Identify the figurative language "The kindergarten classroom was a wild zoo"
What is metaphor?
Literal or Figurative?
"He let the cat out of the bag."
Figurative: Idiom
What is the Idiom?
_ A I _ I _ G / _ A _ S / _ N _ / D _ _ G S
Raining Cats and Dogs
An famous expression that does not mean what it literally says.
Identify the example: Jane is such a couch potato
Identify the figurative language: The sun smiled down on us.
Literal or Figurative?
The cold water was a thousand knives stabbing him over his entire body.
Figurative: Metaphor.
Name that idiom:
C _ _ C H / P _ T _ T _
Couch Potato
This type of figurative language means giving human qualities to non-human or non-living things.
What is personification?
Name the figurative language: He was as fast as a cheetah.
Identify the figurative language: "The rabbit was as slow as a sloth"
What is a simile?
Literal or Figurative?
"Garrett thought that the pizza was the best that he's ever had."
Name that idiom:
_ O L _ / Y _ U _ / _ O R _ E _ S
Hold Your Horses
This type of figurative language compares two things without using like or as.
What is a metaphor?
Name the figurative language: Neby was so tired that she slept for a week straight!
What is hyperbole?
Identify the figurative language: Mr. Anzidei assigned 50 pages of worksheets tonight!
What is hyperbole?
Literal or Figurative?
Johnny is feeling under the weather?
Figurative: Idiom.
Name that Idiom:
U _ N D _ _ / _ H _ / W _ A _ T H _ _
Under The Weather
What type of figurative language is this? "I'm so hungry I could eat a cow."
Name the figurative language: He was a hurricane when he entered the room.
What is a metaphor?
Identify the figurative language: "Costs an arm and a leg."
What an idiom?
Literal or Figurative?
I have like an hour of homework!
Name that Idiom...
P _ _ C E / O _ / C _ _ E
Piece of Cake