Sound Effects
Visual Effects
Playing with Words
This & That

Words sound like what they refer to. Examples: hiccup, bark, meow, purr, buzzing, splash, roaring, rustling, thump.

What is Onomatopoeia?


Pairing two words together that are opposing or seemingly contradictory. Examples: freezer burn, friendly fire, controlled chaos, wise fool, only choice 

What is an oxymoron?


When a person plays with words. Often used in "dad jokes," memes, or children's jokes. Example: "Denial is a river in Egypt."

What is a pun?


Comparing two non-similar things to each other, using words such as like or as. Example: His voice was like an untuned piano being played by a toddler. 

What is a simile?


_______ is the writer's technique that refers to the use of figurative language. The purpose is to create a sensory experience for the reader. 

What is imagery?


When you have initial consonant sounds in close proximity to each other in writing that creates a sound effect. Example: Susie sorted seashells by the sea shore. 

What is alliteration? 


Exaggeration for dramatic effect. Example: "I nearly died last weekend when my parents took away my phone."

What is hyperbole?


Expressions that are usually cultural and language specific. They mean something beyond their literal translation. Example: It's raining cats and dogs. I need to get my ducks in a row.  

What is an idiom?


Making a comparison between two unlike things, but without using like or as. Example: Karma is my boyfriend. Karma is a god. Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend. (T.S.)

What is a metaphor?


Something that seems to be contradictory, but on deeper study, it reveals an interesting truth. Also called juxtaposition. Example: "It was the beginning of the end."

What is paradox?


When we repeat similar vowel sounds in close proximity to each other in a text. Example: "His tender heir might bear his memory" (W.S, Sonnet 1)

What is assonance?


When we take a concrete or abstract noun and give it some other, non literal, meaning. It takes on importance beyond the regular meaning. Example: American flag, apple for education

What is symbolism?


A type of verbal irony, but mocking and satirizing. Saying something but intending the opposite. Example: Zombies eat brains. You're safe.

What is sarcasm?


Giving human characteristics, feelings, and emotions to non-human things. It's a type of metaphor. Example: Karma takes all my friends to the summit. Karma's going to track you down. Karma is a queen.

What is personification?


When we make a reference to another famous person, text, movie, song, or event. For example: Taylor Swift's song, Style, is an ____ to Harry Styles.

What is allusion?


Repeating a word or phrase in close proximity to each other. Example: MLK's "I have a dream" speech. The phrase is repeated at the beginning of several lines. 

What is anaphora? 


Downplaying something or a situation for effect. Example: June is just a little upset that her house flooded. 

What is Understatement?


When we use a phrase to hide what we're really trying to say, usually out of politeness. Example: someone passed away, rather than died. A dog is put to sleep, rather than euthanized.

What is euphemism?


A dream is a wish your heart makes. (Walt Disney’s Cinderella). This is an example of _____?

What is metaphor?


Dramatic or Situational Irony? Julie intends to make her friend feel better by baking her banana nut muffins. She doesn't know her friend is allergic to nuts, and ends up sending her to the hospital.

What is situational irony? 


Repeating the same consonant sounds anywhere in the word, but in close proximity to each other. Example: fuddy-duddy, tea and toast, jump through a hoop, pitter patter

What is consonance?


When you use a part to represent the whole. For example, the White House signifies our president and executive branch. Someone with a green thumb is good at gardening.

What is synecdoche? 


Using a negative statement to express a positive. For example, "I didn't hate it. I didn't not like it" to mean that you liked something. 

What is litotes? 


What is this? Fear gripped the patient waiting for a diagnosis. (The answer is not metaphor)

What is personification? 


Situational or Dramatic irony? The main character is walking into a situation where we, the audience, knows what's going to happen, but Wendy does not. 

What is dramatic irony?
