Idiom or Proverb
Simile or Metaphor
Alliteration or Oxymoron
Personification or Onomatopoeia
Hyperbole or Understatement
It is raining cats and dogs.
What is an Idiom. It is not actually raining cats and dogs. That just means it is raining hard.
The boy is as smart as a fox.
What is simile. It uses the word " as" to compare the boy and a fox.
Tiny Elephant
What is Oxymoron. An elephant is always big, even as a baby.
What is Onomatopoeia.
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse! Idiom or hyperbole?
What is Hyperbole because it is an exaggeration meaning the person is really hungry.
a penny saved is a penny earned.
What is a proverb. It is saying that saving money is important.
The boy is a fox.
What is metaphor. They are comparing the boy to a fox without using "like" or "as".
Peter Piper picked a patch of pickled peppers.
What is Alliteration. The letter 'P' is used repeats throughout the sentence.
The screaming door bell meant that someone was at the door.
What is personification. A door bell cannot scream. It just means it was loud.
Can I see you for a second?
What is an Understatement. It will take more than a second to see that person.
After going to the zoo, the mall, and the movies, Cassie was sick of bending over backwards to entertain her nieces.
What is an idiom. Cassie is not actually bending backwards. She is just tired from trying so hard to entertain her nieces.
The storm shook the house like a giant was running through the neighborhood.
What is a simile. They are comparing the force of the storm to a giant using the word " like".
The setting of the sad story was St. Louis.
What is alliteration. The letter 's' is used repetitively.
The yelled at the stranger to keep out.
What is personification. A dog cannot talk.
Emily: I heard you were in the hospital. What happened? John: Oh it was just a scratch.
What is understatement. The injury had to be more than just a scratch if he was in the hospital.
You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
What is a proverb. It means that if you act and speak positively to people then it is more likely that they will help you than if you acted or spoke negatively.
The little girl is a princess in her mother's eye.
What is a metaphor. The little girl is not actually a princess. She is just special to her mother. They are comparing her to a princess without using "like" or "as".
The childish adult.
What is oxymoron. An adult cannot be a child also.
What is Onomatopoeia.
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!
What is hyperbole. No matter how hungry a person is, they cannot and probably will not eat a whole horse.
Jay has been working hard on my project. My presentation is going to knock my teachers socks off!
What is an Idiom. Jay's project and presentation is not going to literally knock the teacher's socks off. he just means that it will excite and impress her.
The athlete ran as fast as a rocket ship.
What is a simile. They are comparing the speed of the athlete to a rocket ship by using the word " as"
The foolish fly flew into the flame.
What is alliteration. The letter 'f' is used repetitively.
The answer to the question was hiding in my brain, but I could not figure it out.
What is personification. Answers do not hide. It just means that he could not remember the answer to the question.
Jake: I heard you got an 90 on the test. Jasmine: Yeah, I did o.k.
What is an understatement. A 90 on a test is great, not just o.k.. Jasmine just wanted to score higher.