Another name for a simple one foot spin.
What is a scratch spin?
The multi-revolution jump with a forward takeoff is named for this famous skater, who invented it. Bonus for 100 - Name the country this skater was from. Bonus for 300 - Name the year this jump was first performed
Who is Axel Paulsen
What is Norway
What is 1882
The last weekend in March, the SNHSC holds this annual event
What is the Ice Revue?
This 1988 Olympic showdown between two male skaters of the same name became known as this
What is "The Battle of the Brians"
A spin in the position of a shoot the duck.
What is a sit spin?
The name of this jump conjurs images of autumn in New England
What is a falling leaf?
The number of founding members of the SNHSC
What is 20?
Name any five of these skating boot manufacturers
Harlick, Jackson, Reidell, Graf, Risport, Edea, Gam, SP-Teri
A spin done on the opposite foot you normally spin on in the same rotational direction
What is a backspin?
A man named Ulrich invented this jump
What is a salcholw?
This popular phrase was the theme of Ice Revue, 2017
What is "The Envelope, Please"
Name these two infamous skaters :)
Chazz Michael Michaels and Jimmy McElvoy
This boot feature is most often found on one specifically manufactured for ice dancing.
What is either a notched ankle or lower ankle profile
This spin is named for an airborne animal
What is a flying camel spin?
This skater performed the first successful quadruple jump at the World Championships
Who is Kurt Browning
The year the Southern NH Skating Club held its first Ice Revue
Bonus for 200 - This Harvard graduate was her first husband.
Who is Dr. Tenley Albright
Bonus - Tudor Gardiner
Name any four of these popular blade manufacturers
MK, Wilson, Riedell, Paramount, Eclipse
Done with an arched back, often with arms over the head
Bonus for 200 - The spin created if I catch my freeleg and pull it overhead from the same position
What is a layback spin?
What is a Beillmann
This jump leaves the ice on a back inside edge and lands on a back outside edge on the same foot
What is a walley.
The SNHSC was founded in 1964; that same year, the Winter Olympics were held here.
Where is Innsbruck, Austria
These American ice dancers skated their way to a Silver medal at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games
Bonus for 200 - The 2010 Olympics were held here
Who are Meryl Davis and Charlie White?
Where is Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
What famous male skater landed the first triple lutz in competition (hint: His name is on some skating boots!)
Who is Donald Jackson