This template reflects all claim handling activities
completed that cannot be captured in an ECS data field
What is QFC (330)
This note should only be created when liability has been established
What is Liability File Note?
This structure should be included in every completed file note
What is P/A, R
This pending should be included if outbound call
attempts have been made to complete a QFC with a driver involved in the loss in order for the next associate to know how to properly calendar the file.
What is Total Call(s) Attempted?
This statute should be documented for contact made
with claimant's liability insurance carrier to verify their coverage was in force, covering the claimant driver while driving the claimant vehicle on the date of loss, before we can pay damages under the liability.
What is No Pay No Play?
This template should be categorized as Auto Estimatics
(and only to be used for EA, VIS and ?)
What is Appraiser Payment Direction (343)
This note documents the additional work needed to
conclude the handling of a claim
What is Pending File Note?
This term provides direction when specific claim handling activities should be in a separate file note
This direction should be included at the bottom of every pending file note for conclusion of handling based on merits.
What is Close?
This code must reflect the liability decision, which
includes the exact percentage of fault for all known participants and/or contributing factors. If liability has not been established at the time COL are opened, there should be a note in pending.
What is Driver ID CODE?
This template is used to assist with qualifying a new
What is NAC Investigation (82)
This note documents any non-incoming/ outgoing phone call/or pending task(s) completed
What is Claim Note
This should not be sent in place of a Phone Message
File Notes
This pending includes third party’s personal property
damages and supporting documentation
What is Non-Vehicle Damages
It should be documented in a file note that this coverage was discussed with the Insured: where the Insured was involved in a collision loss with an uninsured motor vehicle, any deductible amount will not apply.
Waiver of Collision Coverage
This template is used for coverage recommendation
What is Coverage Question Memo (195)
This note is used to communicate a needed action
What is File Note Task?
This pending file note icon should be used in ECS when
updating pending file note.
This pending should be Included only when outbound
calls are necessary for the claimant to complete a QFC and obtain claimants date of birth for online access only.
OSC (Claimant Only) – Example: Clmt DOB Needed
This code should be documented that we have read to
the customer when an offer of shop names has been given verbally and the customer has accepted.
What is CIC 758.5?