Where was Mr. D'Anthony born?
Los Angeles
Earliest color system
When is the 2nd script due?
September 14, 2024 by 11:59PM
What does Watch & Review 3 discuss
How many chapters are in Movies & Meaning
11 Chapters
How many years has Mr. d'Anthony been in the industry?
25 years
Strength of color
Who is our guest speaker for Week 4
Nick Peterson
What does Watch & Review 6 discuss?
Visual Effects
In chapter 4, what is discussed on page 109
Acting in film and theater
Where does Mr. d'Anthony draws inspiration?
From L.A.'s rich tapestry of cultures, stories, and characters
Blocks the light for a fraction of a second
Week 7 what short film will be screened?
Hair Love
What does Watch & Review 4 discuss?
Principles of Sound Design
In chapter 2, what is discussed on page 47
The Essentials of Cinematography
Give a title of one of Mr. D'Anthony's films
Various answers
A type of camera movement that shifts the boundaries of the frame
What Week is Film Vocabulary Quiz 3
Week 11
What does Watch & Review 9 discuss?
Film Theory & Criticism
In chapter 8, what is discussed on page 293
Motion Control
Name the cameras that Mr. D'Anthony uses
Various answers
The art of framing
What chapter discusses Cinematography?
Chapter 2
What does Watch & Review 7 discuss?
Modes of Screen Reality
In chapter 10, what is discussed on page 393
Independent Film