Cocktail Party Knowledge
Katie's Picks
Shakespeare Lives
Based on Actual Events
By FAR, Mr. Smith's least favorite movie...EVER!
What is "Forrest Gump?"
Katie's favorite movie.
What is "Speed?"
Anaheim named its professional hockey team after this lovable Disney team.
What are the Mighty Ducks?
Claire Danes starred as Juliet in the 1996 rock 'n roll version of Shakespeare's tragic love story. She had some pretty good company in this guy.
Who is "Leonardo Di Caprio?"
Steve Spielberg's epic swept the 1993 Academy Awards and brought a chilling reminder of the Holocaust.
What is "Schindler's List?"
Speaking of cocktails, Rick Blaine finds himself melancholy thinking about how "in all of the ______ joints in the world, she had to pick this one."
What are gin joints?
The first movie Katie and Mr. Smith ever saw in theaters was based on this gay politician's life.
Who is Harvey Milk?
There's no Karate Kid without this guy. Wax on, wax off.
Who is Mr. Miyagi?
The "Taming of the Shrew" was adapted into this likable teen flick that did not give a reason to hate.
What is "10 Things I Hate About You?"
Ben Kingsley won a Best Actor award for his memorizing portrayal of this famous civil disobedient revolutionary.
Who is Gandhi?
Despite being the stars of the movie, dinosaurs in "Jurassic Park" only appear on camera for this measly number of minutes.
What is 15?
An odd Christmas tradition in the Crane household requires the family to watch this shoot-em-up action thriller starring Bruce Willis back when he still had hair.
What is "Die Hard?"
"I said burr. It's cold in here. There must be some ___________ in the atmosphere!"
What are Torros?
This 1998 Best Picture shocked fans by winning the Oscar, especially considering its performance by this actress who received poor reviews. She must have been listening to Coldplay too often on set.
Who is Gwenyth Palthrow?
"Imitation Game" chronicled Alan Turing's role during WWII in cracking a German code that's reportedly unbreakable (to everyone but Angelina Jolie?).
What is enigma?
These are the best--and only pair of jeans you should EVER buy.
What are Seven jeans.
No, this film is not based on Katie's true story. Instead the fictional version starring Drew Barrymore chronicles a journalist who goes back to high school to earn something she's always wished to experience.
What is "Never Been Kissed?"
"If you build it, he will come..."
What is "Field of Dreams?"
Channing Tatum and Amanda Bynes star opposite as Sebastian and Viola in the 2006 comedy "She's the Man"--a much more modern and soccer-ish version of a Shakespeare classic.
What is "Twelfth Night?"
Disney turned this 1973 horse racing Triple Crown winner into a big screen star in its 2010 bioptic (much to the chagrin of Mr. Smith). The film's title is in the horse's namesake.
Who is Secretariat?
Marcel du Champ's infamous "shovel" readymade is more officially known as
What is "In Advance of the Broken Arm?"
Mulder and Scully transitioned from a Fox TV hit to the big screen in one of Katie's all-time favorite flicks.
What is "The X-Files?"
Considered by many to be the greatest sports movie ever made, Martin Scorsese directed this boxing epic about real-life boxer Jake LaMotta.
What is "Raging Bull?"
HBO made the book "Band of Brothers" a mini-series hit, but the term was actually taken from a Shakespeare play based on the famous St. Crispin's Day battle. Better make sure you count right!
What is "Henry V"
Di Caprio and Scoresese teamed up in "The Aviator" for their critical biotic on the life of this billionaire entrepreneur, filmmaker, womanizer, and eccentric. It's the way of the future.
Who is Howard Hughes?