WWI/Progressive Era
Progressive Era
Progressive Era

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Who are the Triple Alliance during WWI?


Plan to avoid two-front war with France to the west and Russia to the East by moving against France first through Belgium and defeat it quickly by encircling and crushing its army because Russia's army was too slow to mobilize

What is the Schlieffen Plan?

WWI Battle on the Western Front where Germany tried to overwhelm French, lasted 11 months while the French held firm and said "They shall not pass", cost more than 500,000 deaths

What is Battle of Verdun?


Granted women the right to vote

What is the 19th amendment?


Allowed for the direct election of senators by voters, not state legislators

What is 17th Amendment?


Assassinated Archduke Franx Ferdinand in Bosnia because Serbian nationalists viewed Austrians like him as foreign oppressors

Who is Gavrilo Princip?


During WWI, both sides on the Western Front dug deep trenches to protect their armies from enemy fire, creating a stalemate

What is Trench Warfare?


Treaty that ended WWI, made Germany accept blame for war, imposed reparations, limited the size of Germany's military, returned Alsace and Lorraine to France, took away German territory and overseas colonies

What is Treat of Versailles?


Areas that needed progressive reform

What are politics, government (because corrupt and ineffective), Big Business, gap between wealthy and poor?


Photographer for the New York Evening Sun, showed the crowded, unsafe, rat-infested tenement buildings where the urban poor lived

Who is Jacob Riis?


Proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico, stating that if the US declared war on Germany, then Mexico should declare war on the US, and in return would get Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back (intercepted and given to American authorities)

What is the Zimmerman Note?


Powerful form of Russian nationalism, all Slavic people shared a common nationality

What is Pan-Slavism?


Ended Russian participation in WWI, signed by Lenin in 1918

What is Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?


Gave people the power to put a proposed new law directly on the ballot in the next election by collecting citizens' signatures on a petition

What is an Initiative?


Managing editor at McClure's magazine, published The Shame of the Cities exposing how Philadelphia government let utility companies charge their customers high fees, how corrupt politicians won with bribes, and how political corruption affected life

Who is Lincoln Steffens?


A deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other, it occurred on the Western Front between Germany and France in WWI

What is a Stalemate?


During WWI, British and French troops pushed back the German drive along this river, ending Germany's hope of a quick victory on the Western Front

What is Battle of the Marne?


Time period from 1890 to 1920 where Americans believed that new ideas and honest, efficient government could bring about social justice and reform

What is the Progressive Era?


Allowed citizens to approve or reject laws passed by a legislature

What is Referendum?


Educator who criticized schools for teaching kids to memorize facts instead of thinking creatively, wanted schools to teach history, geography, cooking, carpentry

Who is John Dewey?


Surrendered at the end of WWI in 1918 because they were exhausted from fighting the Allies, American troops were arriving by the thousands, and the Allies drove their forces back across France and Belgium

What is Germany?


This WWI Allied offensive on the Western Front lasted 5 months, resulted in more than one million soldiers being killed, and neither side won any advantage

What is Battle of Somme?


Reformer who thought that Christianity should be the basis for social reform, created the Social Gospel (follow the Bible's teachings and people could create the kingdom of God)

Who is Walter Rauschenbusch?


Gave voters the power to remove public servants from office before their terms ended

What is recall?


Wrote The Jungle, exposing unsanitary conditions in Chicago's stockyards

Who is Upton Sinclair?