Legal & ethical & nurse relationship
Anxiety, etc.
Abuse, neglect, & Mental illness

This type of hospitalization would be necessary for the individual who is delusional and has a plan to kill his brother.

What is an emergency commitment?


This medication is given to patients with GAD?

What is a long-term treatment with buspirone?


This type of NCD usually has an abrupt onset.

What is vascular NCD?


This is the point when a patient is at risk for developing mental illness.

What is when maladaptive responses to stress are coupled with interference in daily functioning?

The mental health/illness pendulum shifts when responses to stress are maladaptive and interfere with one's daily functioning.


This nursing action would be appropriate when handing a dinner tray to a client with conversion disorder manifested as blindness.

What is providing a simple explanation of the location of items on the tray?

The rationale here is to reinforce the patient's strengths and their own problem-solving ability. Conversion disorder is the presentation of symptoms following a stressor, not the intentional fabrication seen in factitious disorder.


This would be the best action if a patient shares something confidential with his/her nurse.

What is sharing the information if it impacts the patient's care?


This general type of pharmacological therapy is given as CNS depressants to patients with alcohol withdrawal.

What is medication-assisted treatment?

Various medications have been used to decrease the intensity of symptoms in an individuul who is withdrawing from, or who is experiencing the effects of excessive use of alcohol and other drugs, Medication-assistance treatment for alcohol use disorder is naltrexone.

Medication-assisted treatment for opiate use disorder include buprenorphine, naltrexone, and methadone. Notice naltrexone can be given for AUD and OUD.


This would be the nurse's action for a client with a major NCD who exhibits behavioral problems such as screaming and flailing.

What is medication with a prn antianxiety medication?

Why? our first action is to medicate to prevent self injury in NCD.


These are indicators that a child may be physically neglected.

What are absenteeism and apathy?

Bonus: How does neglect differ from abuse?


This finding would indicate a patient is exhibiting selective amnesia.

What is they can explain how they drove to Virginia but cannot remember getting into an accident?

Individuals can recall only certain incidents associated with a stressful event.


A nurse who threatens a demanding client with restraints can be charged with this.

What is assault?


These symptoms would be present during panic anxiety.

What is inability to focus, hallucinations, delusions, wild or desperate behavior, losing control, and exhaustion? Symptoms may also include extreme withdrawal. In general, as one progresses to panic anxiety, they tend to develop tunnel vision and lose ability to learn and remember details.


This major chemical is associated with the autonomic nervous system and would cause decreased motor function and memory deficits.

What is acetylcholine?

Cholinesterase inhibitors cause an increase in acetylcholine activity, which are useful in treating AD and myasthenia gravis, where there are decreases in acetylcholine. Acetylcholine itself has few uses because it is non-selective for all the various receptors in the body.


This type of reaction would be common in a rape survivor who is crying, pacing, and cursing.

What is an expressed response pattern?

In this pattern, feelings of fear, anger, and anxiety are visibly expressed.


These drugs can be used for patients with somatic disorders.

What are SSRIs?


Discharge planning begins in this phase of the nurse-patient relationship.

What is the admission interview or orientation phase?


This neurotransmitter is associated with fight or flight response.

What is norepinephrine?

Norepinephrine produces activity in the sympathetic postsynaptic nerve terminal and is associated with the regulation of mood, cognition, perception, locomotion, and sleep and arousal.


This is the nursing priority for a client with dissociative identity disorder.

What is establish trust and rapport?

Trust is the basis and each personality views itself as a separate entity and must be treated as such.


This is the best advice a nurse could give to a female employee in a IPV situation.

What is have access to a phone number for battered women?


This is the goal for dissociative identify disorder (DID).

What is a collaboration among subpersonalities to improve functioning?


A nurse would do this after verbal redirection, medication, and voluntary seclusion has been attempted in a client deemed dangerous to self or others.

What is physically restrain the patient with other staff's assistance?

The premise of this question is to safely restrain staff with another staff member.


A patient with GAD who reports no improvement after taking buspirone would be reassessed in the outpatient setting at this particular time interval.

What is one week?

A nurse recognizes that buspirone (an anxiolytic drug) can take 2 to 4 weeks to reach therapeutic effectiveness. Thus, it would be appropriate to see the patient again after about two weeks.


This is the reasoning for a patient with DID when they switch personalities.

What is isolation of painful events for the person's awareness and anxiety are decreased?

The transition isolates painful events and is usually sudden, dramatic, and precipitated by stress.


In this cycle of battering, the batterer becomes extremely loving, kind, and make promises the behavior will cease.

What is the honeymoon phase?


This is the specific criteria that would need to be present for a diagnosis of dissociative fugue.

What is sudden expected travel or confused wandering?
