Anguagelay okenspay isthay ayway
What is Pig Latin
This most famous Greek cheese is sometimes described as "pickled" because it's cubed in brine
What is Feta
Australia boasts the only all-black type of this often white & graceful aquatic bird
What is the Swan
What are Vertebrae (also will take backbone)
The houses of Lancaster and York used different colored types of these flowers as their symbols
What are Roses
This Muppet was featured in her own "Great lovers of the Silver Screen" calendar
Who is Miss Piggy
This type of grated cheese is named for Italy's capitol
What is Romano
The game called "Australian Rules" type of this is played on a field up to 200 yards long with four post at each end
What is football
This type of catfish can generate s 450-Volt shock, less than the "eel" of the same name
What is Electric
Native Americans grew these beans with corn & at harvest time combined them into "M'sickquatash"
What are Lima beans
In German this proverbially filthy place is a "Schweinestall"
What is a "Pigsty"
De Meaux is a superior type of oozing French cheese
What is Brie
One of Australia's best-known exports is this man seen in "crocodile Dundee" & in Subaru ads
Who is Paul Hogan
The barn species of this bird is sometimes called monkey-faced due to its simian features
What is the owl
He was thick-skulled, heavy-browed, about five feet tall & named for a place in Germany
Who is Neanderthal man
This Porcine "Green Acres" star was a real ham; he won two patsy awards as TV Animal of the year
Who is Arnold (Ziffel)
The "Baby" type of this dutch cheese, similar to Edam, is usually encased in red wax
What is Gouda
This party led Australia from 1983 to 1996, while a party of the same name was Britain's opposition
What is the Labour party
An endangered North African deer is called this, like an "ape" found on Gibraltar
What is Barbary (deer or stag)
The number of squares on a checkerboard
What is 64
The walrus said it was time "to talk of many things", about "why the sea is boiling hot and whether" this
What is "Pigs have wings"
Samsoe is a swiss-style cow's milk cheese named for an island in this Scandinavian country
What is Denmark
Five-letter name of the capitol of western Australia, named for a country in Scotland
What is Perth
Young rabbits are bunnies; young ones of these are Leverets
What are Hares
Two-word term for the key weekday of the primary season, like march 7th, 2000