ACT English
ACT Math
ACT Reading
ACT Science
ACT Essay
What are the THREE situations in which you can use an apostrophe, and where should you NEVER use an apostrophe? Demonstrate with an example.
What is possessives, plural possessives, and contractions. Never for plurals.
What is 35% of (1/4) of 172?
What is 15.05
How many minutes you have on the ACT Reading exam, the total number of passages, and how many minutes per passage. DOUBLE BONUS: What are the 4 types of passages?
What is 35 minutes, 4 passages, 8.5 minutes per passage. Prose Fiction, Social Science, Humanities, Natural Science.

A) How many minutes there are on the Science exam?

What is 35 minutes

The number of minutes you have on the ACT essay section
What is 40 minutes
A) The part(s) of speech that ADJECTIVES describe. B) The part(s) of speech that ADVERBS describe.
What is A) Nouns and B) Verbs, Adjectives, or Adverbs
The strategy Ms. Seraj taught for ratio problems. If Kelly paints her room yellow, blue, and green in a ratio of 2:3:2, and she uses 28 gallons of paint total, how many gallons of blue paint will she use?
What is ratio charts, 12 gallons
Name one of the two possible main strategies for getting through the ACT Reading passages in the time limit.
What is Skim the Passage or Go to the Questions First.

How many questions are on the science portion of the ACT?

What is 40 questions

The first thing you should do when you begin the essay portion (must be SPECIFIC).
What is skim the intro, underline what the prompt is asking, put stars next to things you know about and can use as examples

How long do you have to take the English portion of the ACT and how many questions are on it?

What is 75-questions and 45-minutes. (That is about 36 seconds per question!!)

The formula Ms. Seraj taught for AVERAGE problems. If Jessica received scores of 87, 89, 94, and 80 on her last four exams, the score she will need on her fifth test to average 91 in the class.
What is AN = T. What is 95.
Name one of the easier and less time consuming types of questions to answer.
What is Main Idea questions, Word Meaning questions, and questions with line numbers.
The three things to skim for in the passage
What is hypothesis, definition, and conclusion
The second thing you should do when you read the essay prompt
Read the perspectives and pick one to agree with.
The four different types of comma uses (hint: all start with I) BONUS: When can you use a semicolon?
What is Introductory Clauses, Items in a List/Series/Interchangeable Adjectives, between two Independent Clauses, around an Interrupting Clause Between two independent clauses
The value of f(x-2) when f(x)= x^2 + 12
What is x^2 - 4x + 16
Three different types of trap answers for Main Idea questions.
What is answers that are too broad, answers that are too narrow, and answers that are off topic.
The most essential strategy for managing your time on an ACT Science passage
What is answer the easy questions first, guess on all time-consuming questions.
The main task of the ACT essay (hint: two verbs + a plural noun)
What is analyze and evaluate the perspectives
A) The songs on Katy Perry's first pop album was/were controversial. B) The strategy to make sure that subject and verb agree. BONUS: What is the name of the phrase the ACT inserts to confuse the subject and verb?
What is were, circle subject and verb, and prepositional phrase.
A) What are the solutions to the equation 16x^2 - 169? B) What is the name of this factoring pattern?
What is 13/4 and -13/4 Difference of two squares
Three different types of trap answers for Inference questions. DOUBLE BONUS: Name two strategies to combat these trap answers.
Answers that are related but don't answer the question, answers that seem plausible but are not in the text, answers that supply nearby details but don't answer the question. BONUS: Annotate every question, Close Read Qs and As.
The three different types of trends in data to look for, and how to identify the trend.
What is direct/positive, indirect/negative, and no relationship; What are table arrows.
A) A general format for how to structure your ACT essay. B) What can you use to support your claims? Be specific.
What is introduction, disprove the perspectives you disagree with, prove the one you agree with, conclusion.