Easy 1
Win a Hearthstone Wild game where you randomize every card in your deck. Use a random number generator. You may add 5 of your choice.
Medium 1
Beat Banjo Kazooie
Hard 1
Beat escape the backrooms
Insane 1
Beat Peaks of Yore
Final 1 (You must choose one of the 5.
1 Sitting Pokemon 3 Map Randomizer.
Easy 2
Mario RPG Randomizer, the roms will be supplied in Isaac’s document folder under Greg.
Medium 2
Beat Dk64 Any%
Hard 2
Mario 64 hide and seek.
- One player must hide the other must seek. The hider has 3 minutes to hide. You both must start in front of the castle on the bridge. Once the hider goes into the castle the 3 minutes start.
- While the person is hiding they must start a timer and the time will run until the other player finds them. The hiding player is considered caught when he is on the opposing players screen and the opposing player can say where he is.
- You must each do 5 hiding rounds whoever has the most time at the end wins.
- Glitches are not allow. Every player must be able to reach the hiding area.
- Play on a 120 star file so every area is unlocked. Moving while hiding is allowed but it is risky.
Insane 2
Beat all UCN challenges.
FINAL 1 (You must choose one of the 5)
Mario Party 1 All Boards
Mario Party 2 All Boards
Mario Party 3 All Boards
Mario Party 7 All Boards
Easy 3
Pokemon Snap 100%
Medium 3
Beat Dark Deception
Hard 3
Pacifist% Undertale Multiplayer
Insane 3
Beat the Outlast Trials
FINAL 2 (You must choose one of the 5)
FNAF Security Breach 600% (all endings)
Easy 4
Mario Party 2 you both have to play blindfolded during minigames against Normal Level computers. One of you two have to win
Medium 4
Beat Boiling Pot in Super Monkey Ball 2
Hard 4
Beat The Glitched Attraction
Insane 4
Beat RainWorld, you two have never discussed this but it is multiplayer.
FINAL 3 (You must choose one of the 5)
All Mario Kart Games all Golden Trophies
Easy Final
Super Smash Bros Melee All Trophies run
Medium final
Beat UltraKill
Hard Final
Beat All 3 Poppy Playtime games.
Insane Final
Afton Security Breach Glitchless ending.
Final 5 (You must choose one of the 5.)
20 random McDonalds Items cannot cost less than 2$