Ischemic is a blocked vessel that cuts of blood flow to the rest of the brain. Hemorrhagic is a ruptured vessel which spills blood into the surrounding tissue.
Atrial fibrillation - The heart's upper chambers (atria) beat out of coordination with the lower chambers (ventricles).
-When pertinent to the chief complaint
-When asked about specifically by the physician
-Any chronic, systemic, or severly debilitating issues (ex. deafness, dementia, Lupus, diabetes, sickle cell, HTN, etc)
Name one etiology of pain for each of these 6 abdominal regions (RLQ, LLQ, RUQ, LUQ, suprapubic, and epigastric)
appendicitis, diverticulitis, cholesystitis/cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, UTI, GERD.
-Mechanism of accident
-Pt's location in the car
-Seatbelt use
-Airbag deployment
-How pt was extracted from vehicle
-Ambulation after incident
-Rate of speed
What procedure would most likely be done in a patient who presents with headache, fever and neck stiffness? To rule out which DDx?
Use answers only once
SOB: PE, PTX, anything that constricts airway
Abdominal pain: GI bleed, AAA, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis
What are 3 reasons that a patient may not be able to give a history?
- Intubated, unresponsive, dementia, aphasia, unstable vital signs, intoxicated