...On My Mind
Sugar, So Sweet
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I am a Survivor
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[1]: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/elevated-intracranial-pressure-icp-in-children-clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis ""

[2]: https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/increased-intracranial-pressure ""

[3]: https://www.healthline.com/health/increased-intracranial-pressure ""

[4]: https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=increased-intracranial-pressure-icp-134-67 ""

A nurse is monitoring a three-year-old post brain tumor removal for signs of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). An early sign or symptom of ICP can include:

a. vomiting.

b. changes in behavior.

c. bulging anterior fontanel.

d. dehydration.

What is a, vomiting?


A mother brings her child in the office for a follow-up appointment and voices concern that her child has started urinating more than normal and is constantly thirsty & hungry. As the RN, you suspect?

A. Diabetes Mellitus 

B. Phenylkentonuria

C. Hypoglyemia

D. Tret's syndrome

What is A. Diabetes Mellitus?


A child has fluid volume deficit. The nurse performs an assessment and determines that the child is improving and the deficit is resolving if which finding is noted?

a. the child has no tears.

b. urine specific gravity is 1.035.

c. urine is less than 1 ml/kg/hr.

d. capillary refill is less than 2 seconds. 

What is d, capillary refill is less than 2 seconds?


A 15-month-old is recovering from surgery to remove Wilms’ tumor. Which findings best indicates that the child is free from pain?

A. Decreased urine output

B. Decreased appetite

C. Increased interest in play

D. Increased heart rate

What is C. Increased interest in play?


The nurse reviews the record of a child who is suspected to have glomerulonephritis. Which of the statements by the child's parent should the nurse expect that is associated with this diagnosis?

a. "His pediatrician said his kidneys are working well."

b. "I noticed his urine was the color of tea lately."

c. "I'm so glad they didn't find any protein in his urine."

d. "The nurse who admitted my child said his blood pressure is low."

What is b," I noticed his urine was the color of tea lately."


The nurse conducts an educational session for the nursing staff on osteosarcoma. Which statement by a staff member suggests a need for further information?

a. "The femur is the most common site of this sarcoma." 

b. " The child does not experience pain at the primary tumor site."

c. "Limping, if weight-bearing limb is affected, is a clinical manifestation."

d. "The symptoms of the disease in the early stage are almost always attributed to normal growing pains."

What is " The child does not experience pain at the primary tumor site."?


The nurse is preparing to admit a 7-year-old child with type 2 diabetes. What clinical features of type 2 diabetes should the nurse recognize? (Select all that apply.)

a. Oral agents are effective.

b. Insulin is usually needed.

c. Ketoacidosis is infrequent.

d. Diet only is often effective

e. Chronic complications frequently occur.

What is A,C,D


The nurse suspects a child has a Wilm's tumor based upon assessment. What should the nurse avoid during her physical assessment?

a. monitoring the blood pressure for hypertension.

b. monitoring the temperature for the presence of fever.

c. palpating the abdomen for a mass.

d. assessing the urine for the presence of hematuria.

What is c palpating the abdomen for a mass?


Which of the following would the nurse identify as the initial priority for a child with acute lymphocytic leukemia? 

A. Encouraging adequate intake of iron-rich foods

B. Administering medications via IM injections

C. Assisting with coping with chronic illness

D. Instituting infection control precautions

What is D. Instituting infection control precautions?


A nurse performing an admission assessment on a 2-year-old child who has been diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome notes that which most common characteristic is associated with this syndrome?

a. hypertension

b. increased urinary output

c. frank, bright red blood in the urine

d. generalized edema

What is d generalized edema?


A parent brings a toddler, age 19 months, to the clinic for a regular check-up. When palpating the toddler’s fontanels, what should the nurse expects to find?

A. Open anterior and posterior fontanels

B. Closed anterior and posterior fontanels

C. Open anterior and fontanel and closed posterior fontanel

D. Closed anterior fontanel and open posterior fontanel

What is b closed anterior and posterior fontanels?


The clinic nurse is assessing a child with hypopituitarism. Hypopituitarism can lead to which disorder?

a. Gigantism

b. Hyperthyroidism

c. Cushing syndrome

d. Growth hormone deficiency

What is d Growth hormone deficiency?


A child was diagnosed with Duchenne's muscular dystrophy; which of the following usually is the first indication of the condition?

a. Inability to suck in the newborn

b. Lateness in walking in the toddler

c. Difficulty running in the preschooler

d. Decreasing coordination in the school-age child

What is a. Difficulty running in the preschooler?


A 4-year-old is admitted with acute leukemia. It will be most important to monitor the child for:  

A. Abdominal pain and anorexia

B. Bleeding and pallor

C. Petechiae and mucosal ulcers

D. Fatigue and bruising

What is B. Bleeding and pallor?


The nurse is planning care for a child with hemolytic uremic syndrome who has been anuric and will be receiving peritoneal dialysis treatment. The nurse should plan to implement which measure?

a. restrict fluids as prescribed.

b. care for the arteriovenous fistula.

c. encourage food high in potassium.

d. administer analgesics as prescribed. 

What is a, restrict fluids as prescribed?


The nurse has just administered ibuprofen to child with a temperature of 103.6 F. The nurse should also take which action? 

a. withhold fluids for 8 hours.

b. sponge the child with cold water.

c. plan to administer salicylate in 4 hours.

d. remove excess clothing and blankets from the child.

What is  d, remove excess clothing and blankets from the child?


An adolescent client with type I diabetes mellitus is admitted to the emergency room for treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. Which assessment findings should the nurse expect to note?

a. sweating & tremors

b. hunger & hypertension

c. cold, clammy, & irritable

d. fruity breath odor & decreasing LOC

What is d fruity breath odor & decreasing LOC?


A spica cast was put on a baby girl after an unfortunate incident to immobilize her hips and thighs; which of the following is the priority nursing action immediately after application?

A. Keep the cast dry and clean.

B. Cover the perineal area.

C. Elevate the cast.

D. Perform neurovascular checks.

What is D. Perform neurovascular checks?


The treatment protocol for a client with acute lymphatic leukemia includes prednisone, methotrexate, and cimetidine. The purpose of the cimetidine is to:

A. Promote peristalsis 

B. Enhance the effectiveness of methotrexate

C. Decrease the secretion of pancreatic enzymes

D. Prevent a common side effect of prednisone

What is D. Prevent a common side effect of prednisone?


A 7 year old child is seen in a clinic and the parents are concerned about the child recent bed-wetting. The nurse knows this could possibly be which disorder?
a. encopresis.
b. epispadias.
c. enuresis.
d. cryptorchidism.

What is c, enuresis?


The nurse is caring for a 5-year-old patient who has returned to the PICU after removal of a tumor and the insertion of a VP shunt. Which assessment finding is most important to communicate to the surgeon?

a. The child is crying and says, "it hurts!"

b. The head dressing has a 2cm area of bloody drainage.

c. The right pupil is 1mm larger than the left.

d. The cardiac monitor shows a heart rate of 130bpm. 

What is c. the right pupil is 1mm larger than the left?


A nurse is teaching the parent of a child who has a growth hormone deficiency. Which of the following
are complications of untreated growth hormone deficiency? (Select all that apply.)
A. Delayed sexual development
B. Increased epiphyseal closure
C. Advanced bone age
D. Short stature

What is A & D?


Which specific nursing interventions are implemented in the care of a child with leukemia who is at risk for infection? select all that apply.

a. maintain child in a semiprivate room.

b. use strict aseptic technique for all procedures.

c. apply firm pressure to a needle-stick area for at least 10 minutes.

d. reduce exposure to environmental organisms.

e. ensure that anyone entering the child's room wears a mask. 

What is b, d, e?


In taking care of a pediatric oncology patient, which diagnostic finding would indicate a critical concern for the development of infection?
A. Absolute neutrophil count of 250 mm3
B. Temperature of 99.2 degrees Fahrenheit
C. White blood cell count 7,000 mm3
D. Platelet count 100,000 mm3

What is a Absolute neutrophil count?


The nurse is performing an assessment on a child admitted to the hospital with a propable diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome. Which assessment findings should the nurse expect to observe? select all that apply.

a. pallor
b. anorexia
c. weight loss
d. proteinuria
e. edema

What is a,b,d,e?
