What country are Sahain, Daniela, Alberto and Yahaira from?
Dominican Republic
Is Alaska the biggest or the smallest state in the U.S?
What is the capital city of the United States?
Washington DC
Who in our class works at the Marriot hotel?
Where is Angel from?
Who in the class is from Congo?
Rose and Rampa
What is the biggest city in Alaska?
What is the capital of Ukraine?
Who in our class works at a day care (baby sitting)?
What is the favorite sport in the Dominican Republic?
What country is Margarita from?
What three colors of bears do we have in Alaska?
Brown, black and white
What is the capital of Venezuela?
Who in our class works at a bakery?
Rose and Rampa
Who has lived in Alaska the longest?
Sherri! 30 years
Who in our class comes from the United States?
Rebecca and Sherri
What are the colorful lights in the sky called?
Aurora (boealis) or Northern lights
What is the capital of Mexico?
Mexico city
Who is our class works at a restaurant?
What native language do many of our class members speak?
What country does Nyahok come from?
How many months of winter does Alaska have?
Too many!!!
What is the capital of Afghanistan?
Who helps kids learn to speak at her job?
Who has learned a lot of English this year
EVERYONE!!! Amazing job all--