What are the types of health that make up the health triangle?
Emotional, Physical, Social
the activity you perform before your workout. What is it also referred to as?
Warm up. Dynamic Stretching
To be sedentary means....
being inactive
what is FITT Formula used for and what does it stand for?
the prescription is for determining the right amount of physical activity for applying the three exercise principles. F= Frequency I= Intensity T= Time T=Type
What is our main source of energy
What is health?
Freedom of disease
The steps of the scientific method are...
Identifying a problem, establishing a hypothesis, collecting information, interpreting information
Skill vs Motor Skill
is an ability that allows you to perform a specific task effectively.
performing a movement/skill using nerves and muscles
The step in the physical activity pyramid in which you are doing muscle fitness exercise
step 4
What are the different types of fat?
Saturated, Unsaturated, Trans Fat
The condition of your body is the definition of?
An example of a cool down
Stationary Movement
What is exercise
a form of physical activity specifically designed to improve your fitness.
What is stress and what are the types of stress?
The body's reaction to a demanding situation. Distress= negative stress Eustress= Positive Stress
caused in part by sedentary living
Practicing this can calm the body and mind, Helps with stress, depression & anxiety
The study of how plants and animals use food to grow and sustain life
Nutrition Science
The stages of change refer to...
modifying behaviors to improve fitness, health, and wellness:
Stage of resistance
Study and work well at school.
Find an academic area of interest that motivates you to learn more.
Read widely from a variety of books, including fiction and nonfiction.
These are all explaining ___________ health
The stage of motor learning in which you are learning HOW to do something is.... Provide example
Associative. Practicing shooting basketballs
The stage in which you are an inactive thinker is...
Example of one skill that will help you think about change, make the change and help maintain change
page 58
Stroke vs Heart Attack
occurs when the oxygen supply to the brain is severely reduced or cut off. Can be caused when an artery that supplies blood to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot or atherosclerosis.
when the blood supply within the heart is severely reduced or cut off leading the heart muscle to die