The sectors of the economy
What are the different economic activities
sustainable development
types of services, jobs, and occupations
How we can contribute to sustainable development:

What are the three main sectors of the economy 

The three main sectors of the economy are primary,  secondary and tertiary.


Can you name three examples of primary economic activities?

Agriculture, fishing and mining are examples of primary economic activities.


What are the three pillars of sustainable development?

The three pillars of sustainable development are economic, social, and environmental.


Can you name three types of services offered in the community?

health care, education and public transport.


What action could you take in your daily life to reduce your carbon footprint?

Individual actions to reduce the carbon footprint include using public transport, recycling, reducing energy consumption and opting for green products.


Can you give examples of companies or industries belonging to each economic sector?

Examples of enterprises or industries in the primary sector include farms, mines and fishing enterprises.


What is a secondary economic activity and what is the difference from primary activities?

The manufacture of products is a secondary economic activity, and differs from primary activities in that it involves the transformation of raw materials into goods.


Can you give examples of practices that promote sustainable development in your community?

 Examples of practices that promote sustainable development include the conservation of natural resources, the use of renewable energy and waste reduction.


What types of skills are required to work in the service sector?

Skills required to work in the service sector may include communication skills, teamwork, and customer service, among others.


 How can communities promote the use of renewable energy?

through investment in sustainable infrastructure, public education on its benefits and the implementation of clean energy policies.


 Why is it important to have a balance between different economic sectors in an economy?

 A balance between economic sectors is important to ensure sustainable economic growth and equitable distribution of wealth.


Why is it important to understand the different economic activities in a community?

It is important to understand different economic activities in order to understand how an economy works and how resources are distributed.


How can individual decisions affect long-term sustainable development?

Individual decisions can affect sustainable development by choosing responsible consumption practices, reducing waste and supporting sustainable initiatives.


What is the difference between manual and clerical work?

The difference between manual and clerical work lies in the type of task performed; manual work usually involves physical activities, while clerical work involves administrative or managerial tasks.


What is the importance of environmental education in promoting sustainable development?

 Environmental education is key to promoting sustainable development by raising awareness of environmental issues and fostering more sustainable behaviours and practices.
