When applying restraints
Allow for 1-2 fingers to slip between restraint
Secure to bed frame
The principle addressed when keeping patient information with only those that need to know
Leadership based on a vision
Avoidance is...
not addressing a conflict head on, ignoring or pretending doesn't exist
When caring for clients with mental health conditions and suicidal ideation, which nursing care should be implemented?
Suicide precautions
Sign a contract to not harm self
potentially place near nurses' station
Explain the ethical principle of nonmalefience.
actions taken to do no harm
What are ways in leadership to eliminate potential bias in interviewing?
Have at least one other person to help conduct the interview, know your own biases and values, conduct mulitple interviews, go beyond first impressions
What is mandatory reporting by nurses?
suspected child abuse, elder abuse
A manager talks to everyone involved in a conflict to
Clarify the problem
What should a nurse do if a client's DNR order has expired
Call the doctor
What do hospitals have in place to help with ethical decision making when a complex ethical situation exists?
hospital ethic's committee
where individuals feel safe to ask questions, seek advice without threat or reprimanding
In a legal proceeding, the standard that a nurse is judged on is one that
_______ is repeated, deliberate, harmful mistreatment towards a person or group with the intent to humiliate or cause distress.
Where will a new nurse who is performing a nursing skill look to review the steps
Facility policy and procedure manual
How do ethics and laws differ
As a standard for measuring actions, ethical principles may be the basis for laws, ethics is not black and white, legal controls are more clear and impartial
Encourage constructive criticism
Understand their own emotions
A nurse complains about her preceptor on social media
Reprimanding an employee in front of others is an example of
_________ is a concept defined as a collective term for any harmful act or threat of physical violence, harassment, sabotage, intimidation, or any other threatening behavior.
workplace violence
Honoring a patient's wishes not to receive a blood product is an example of the ethical principle of
The gap that exists between a position of authority and subordinate is often referred to as
authority-power gap
Legal boundaries of nursing practice are found in
State nurse practice acts
What type of patients should be assigned closest to nurses station?
belligerent, confused, mental health concerns