What are the five parts of Laswell's model of communication (in order)?
Who, Says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect
Define media richness
:Refers to how closely a technology simulates face-to-face communication.
Three primary components to an organization
1.The Goal
2.The Structure
3.The People
The two categories that outline the benefits of learning intercultural communication
Personal Growth Motive & Social Responsibility
Mass, Institute & Organization, Inter & Intra Group, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
The three things to consider when determining what media channel to use
1.Qualities of the Message
2.Emotional Impact of the Message
3.The Communication Norms of the Organization
Leaders who influence their employees through the use of their own charisma and their ability to persuade.
Charismatic Leadership
The positive or negative beliefs that we hold about the characteristics of a social group.
The seven criteria for defining a small group
Common Goal, Group Member Interdependence, Interpersonal Interactions, Perception of Membership, Structured Relationships,Mutual Influence,Motivation
Human interaction that takes place on interactive technology, such as email, phone, social media, etc.
Mediated Communication
A organizational communication theory that took an impersonal approach to management. Looked at work as a machine.
Bureaucratic Theory
_______ different behaviors can bring misunderstanding in the workplace.
Behavioral differences
What is a proximity tie?
are connections we have based on our spatial relationships them.
Persona that you present to followers to create and maintain a personality that you deem ideal for your audience.
Desired Self
learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms
The ability to communicate effectively in intercultural situations based on one's intercultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes
Intercultural competence
What is the definition of group think?
A phenomenon that occurs when groups make poor or incorrect decisions in order to avoid conflict and maintain group harmony.
_____ control the flow of information from the source to the receiver.
What are the 6 Fundamental Dimensions of Cultural Diversity
High verses Low Context, Individualism & Collectivism, Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Task versus Social Orientation, Short-versus long term
The four dimensions of The Model of Intercultural Competence
Attitudes, Knowledge and Skills, Internal Outcomes, External Outcomes