When and where was Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc founded?
What is November 12th, 1922 on the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana?
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* Who created the sorority slogan?
Who is Bertha Black Rhoda?
Name the 3 principles of the sorority
What is sisterhood, scholarship and service?
Greeting the Grand Basileus as she enters the room
What is stand and Greetings Madame Grand Basileus Liberty?
*TRIPLE JEOPARDY* what year was Iota Sigma chartered?
What is 1935?
Name the 5 regions of the sorority and when they were established
What is central (1925), northeastern (1939), southeastern (1939), southwestern (1940) and western (1952)?
Signature Program of the sorority
What is Project Reassurance?
Attire for Omega Rho
What is all white dress, shoes, panythose, and jewlery?
Making a motion in a meeting
What is "I move that...."
First collegiate fraternal organization and the year it was founded
What is Phi Beta Kappa 1776?
She reports to the Syntaktes and is directly responsible for her region's matters pertaining to undergraduate chapters
Who is the Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator (UCC)?
What is sorority members make available to selected facilities and underprivileged children school supplies?
Name the sorority colors and what they mean
What is royal blue and gold, depicting the Sigma in her glorious wealth of values, truth, and purity?
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* Part 1: Who is responsible for calling the meeting to order? Part 2: Who breaks a tie during the meeting?
Part 1: Who is Madame Basileus? Who is the Chair?
Name all founders of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Who is Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Vivian Irene White Marbury, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Mae Downey Rhodes Martin, and Cubena McClure?
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* Part 1: The official governing body of Sigma Gamma Rho as described by the Constitution and Bylaws. Part 2: what is it comprised of?
Who is the grand chapter? Who is the Board of Directors, duly elected chapter delegates, members-at-large, life members, and past Grand Basilei?
This program is designed to allow structured ways to learn about Africa, heighten awareness of African cultural heritage, and improve writing and research skills
What is Mwanamugimu Essay Contest?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: name Sigma Gamma Rho's intimate treasures
What is hymn and slogan, official badge, coat of arms, flower, and colors?
Difference between sisterhood and friendship
What is friendship is a condition of being friends or a friendly feeling, but sisterhood is a tie or special bond between women?
Financial Secretary versus Treasurer
What is Grammateus versus Tamiochus?
*TRIPLE JEOPARDY* Part 1: What was the first BGLO? Part 2: Name all of the NPHC and when/where they were founded.
Part 1: What is Sigma Pi Phi (the Boule)? Part 2: Alpha Phi Alpha Frat 12/04/1906 Cornell, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sor 01/15/1908 Howard, Kappa Alpha Psi Frat 01/05/1911 Indiana Bloomington, Omega Psi Phi Frat 11/17/1911 Howard, Delta Sigma Theta Sor 01/13/1913 Howard, Phi Beta Sigma Frat 01/09/1914 Howard, Zeta Phi Beta Sor 01/16/1920 Howard, Sigma Gamma Rho 11/12/1922 Butler, Iota Phi Theta 09/19/1963 Morgan State
*TRIPLE JEOPARDY* Name 5 of our support organizations
What is American Assocation of University Women, Black Women's Agenda, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, MLK Center for Non-Violent Social Change, NAACP, National Council of Negro Women, National Mental Health Association, NPHC, National Urban League, St. Jude's Research Hospital, United Negro College Fund?
*TRIPLE JEOPARDY* Part 1: name all items depicted on the coat of arms Part 2: who created the coat of arms?
*TRIPLE JEOPARDY* Name the rules for obtaining the floor for speaking.
What is address the chair, wait to be recognized by the chair (gives you permission to speak), present well organized statements, keep the presentation short and to the point?
*DOUBLE JEOPARDY* name the first 3 steps to event planning
what is 1. assess resources, 2. assess needs and interests, 3. brainstorm ideas?