Prior Learning, Quality of Processing, Quantity of Processing
3 self-management systems
Monthly calendars, Next actions list, Tracking forms
4 steps of Active Listening
1. Listen to Understand
2. Clear your mind and remain silent
3. Ask the person to expand or clarify
4. reflect the other person's thoughts and feelings
Equation for creating boredom, creating anxiety and creating flow
HIGH skill and LOW challenge = boredom
LOW skill and HIGH challenge = anxiety
Skill and challenge EQUAL = flow
Thinking about your thinking is....
When actively reading, you are collecting....... (3 things)
key concepts, ideas (main and secondary), supporting details
4 keys to effective visualization
1. Relax
2. Use Present Tense
3. Use all five senses
4. Feel the feelings
4 components of our script (anatomy of our scripts)
Behavior patterns, thought patterns, emotional patterns, core beliefs
4 components of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional self-awareness, Emotional Self-management, Social Awareness, Relationship management
3 components that help us write our scripts
-how others respond to us
-what significant adults have said to us
-observing the behavior of significant adults
Wise Choice Process
1. What's my present situation?
2. How would I like my situation to be?
3. What are my possible choice?
4. What's the likely outcome of each possible choice
5. Which choice will I commit to doing?
6. When and how will I evaluate my plan?
4 Quadrants- what are they
Quadrant 1: Urgent & Important
Quadrant 2: Not Urgent & Important
Quadrant 3: Urgent & Not Important
Quadrant 4: Not Urgent & Not Important
4 Ways to relate to others and describe them
Dependence: can't achieve anything on my own
Codependence: have to help others before I do anything for me
Independence: Can do everything on my own
Interdependence: Can achieve more if I give and take, help others and help myself too
4 symptoms of stress and what they mean about your situation
Overwhelmed-life has gotten too complicated, too many commitments
Anger & Resentment- someone or something has triggered our will to fight
Fear & Anxiety- Danger or a scary situation, "flight" instinct kicks in
Sadness & Depression- Loss of someone or something dear to us
Create a scenario showing understanding of the components of C.O.R.E
Example: While reading a chapter you COLLECT the main ideas and supporting details. Then you ORGANIZE those notes into a mind map and color-code them. You REHEARSE by making flash cards and studying with other peers and EVALUATE your test score based on your grade