Very Hard

What is this term:

An example of a concept or category that is thought to be particularly typical or representative. 


- What we think is the best example representative for a concept

Concept (Dog) ---> Prototype (Golden Retriever)

Concept (Food) ---> Prototype (Pizza)

Concept (Vehicle) ---> Prototype (Bicycle)


Give an example of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic: Passion, growth, enjoyment, fun, purpose, curiosity, interested

Extrinsic: Money, promotion, prizes, fame, grades, praise, perks, winning, benefits, pay raise

Intrinsic = Comes from within, not for external reward

Extrinsic = Outside, external rewards or to avoid punishment


1. What does the DSM-5 stand for?

2. Two primary conditions must exist in a psychological disorder. What are the two? 

1. Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition

2. Distress and Dysfunction


What are these terms: 

1. A step-by-step set of systematic "instructions" that can be used to solve any problem of some given type.

2. The most basic problem-solving strategy, where solutions are eliminated one at a time.

1. Algorithms

2. Trial and Error


Tendency for a person to be less likely to intervene and help a stranger when other people are there who might help.

What is this term?

Bystander Effect

- More present = less likely to aid


What is an objective and projective personality test?

Objective - Computer analysis to empirically measure personality characteristics (TAT and MMPI)

Projective - Reflect personality as it is "projected" on to test materials by the test-taker (Rorshach)


The tendency to make systematic judgment errors in one's favor: overestimating your own contributions, overestimating your positive attributes relative to others, and attributing successes and good deeds to one's own effots but failures and bad deeds to circumstances, bad luck, or other people.

Self-serving bias


What is the humanistic term developed by Carl Rodgers that states that relationships where the love and approval a person receives from important others is given freely and is not dependent on conditions.

Unconditional Positive Regard


What are the names of these two terms:

1. Non-incremental, total immersion to anxiety-producing phobic stimuli for a prolonged period. 

2. Involves controlled, incremental, exposure to phobic stimuli while simultaneously practicing relaxation techniques that are incompatible with anxiety.

1. Flooding

2. Systematic Desensitization

- Behaviorist, exposure therapies



1. What are the two predominant positive symptoms of schizophrenia? 

2. What is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

1. Delusions and Hallucinations

Delusion: The CIA is trying to steal my brain

Hallucination: I see ghosts

- Postive = Addition

2. Speech problems, difficulty experiencing pleasure (depression), difficulty making decisions, no emotions 

- Negative = Absence 



What is this term:

The tendency to attribute people's behavior to their (internal) dispositions while ignoring that the behavior may be influenced by situational (external) factors.

Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE)

- Blaming someone on something and ignoring what could be going on with them


In Albert Ellis's ABC model for cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), negative emotions (sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, depression) are caused by what?

Personal beliefs - both rational and irrational 


In the Milgram Experiment at Yale University, what tendency was observed when 65% of participants administered the danger level of shock?


- A change in behavior that is ordered by another person or group



In the "Bobo Doll" experiments by Albert Bandura, children who observed an admired adult mistreating the inflatable doll were more likely than others to the same when given the chance.

What type of learning is this? 


- Learning through imitation of the behaviors of individuals whom one admires 


Draw Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (in order).


Explain the term "need to affiliate."

The need to mingle with other people in the same space. 

- Tempory, need to be with others, need to be accepted by a group

- Affiliation: Process of "flocking together" and does not necessarily imply that strong relationships will form.


In Golden and Baddeley's study, scuba divers best-remembered words memorized underwater when they were underwater, whereas words they memorized on land were best recalled on land.

What type of retrieval cue type of memory is this?

Context-dependent memory

- When retrieval of memory is enhanced in contexts that were similar to the one that existed when the memory was encoded


Based on the idea that cognition, emotion, and behavior are linked in a circle of mutual influence and reinforcement.  Attempts to make biased distorted thoughts caused and maladaptive behavior adaptive.

What is this type of therapy?

Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT)


Grand Theories and Cognitive Psychologists:

Explain how psychoanalysts, behaviorists, humanists, and cognitive psychologists view how psychological disorders start.

1. Psychoanalysts = Psychological problems are caused by unconscious conflict - tensions within a person's own mind between mental forces that are at odds with one another. Emotions, conflicts, and unpleasant experiences are hidden in the unconscious mind and cause disorders.

2. Behaviorists = Psychological disorders represent learned patterns of maladaptive (counterproductive) behaviors. Exposure to adverse stimuli, conditioning, and reinforcement cause disorders.

3. Humanists = Disorders and psychological suffering caused by lack of unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and acceptance from others. Lack of confidence in one's own inner self, feeling guilty.

4. Cognitive = Faulty thinking, underlying dysfunctional core beliefs about the self, the world, and the future. Self-defeating and biased automatic thoughts against the self trigger negative emotional experiences that can lead to disorders.


What was the name of the famous experiment where the tendency of conformity was observed?

Solomon Asch Experiment

Conformity - Any change in behavior caused by another person or group.


When using heuristics, what is the biggest misuse/problem when making judgments?

The failure to take base rates into account.

- Indicates the probability of how prevalent something is in a population or how frequently it occurs, expressed in a percentage, and is usually failed to take into account. 


What are the five stages of Freud's Psychosexual Development (in order)?

Orphan Annie was a Pretty Little Girl.

Oral - (Birth-18months) Oral Incorporative and Oral Sadistic 

Anal - (18m-3yrs) Anal Expulsive and Anal Retentive

Phallic - (3-5/6) Oedipus Complex

Latency - (6-Puberty) None

Genital - (Puberty) None


In Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligence, what are the three distinct types of intelligence?


Creative Intelligence

Analytic Intelligence

Practical Intelligence
