Law of Reflection
θr= θa
Brewster's Angle
tanθp = nb/na
Small Angle (paraxial) Approximation.
sinθ = θ = tanθ = y/R
Phase Difference Between Two Rays.
Φ= 2π/λ Δr + (Φ2 - Φ1)
constructive: Φ= 0, 2π
destructive: Φ = π, 3π
Angular Radius of the First Dark Ring (Rayleigh criterion)
sinθ1 = 1.22(λ/D)
Law of Refraction
nasinθa= nbsinθb
Thin Lens/Mirror Equation
1/s + 1/s' = 1/f
Malus's Law
I = Imaxcos2Φ
Constructive Interference for a Double Slit
dsinθ = mλ
Index of Refraction
n= c/v
Angular Magnification of a Magnifying Glass
M = θ'/θ = 25cm/f
Constructive Interference for Diffraction Gratings
dsinθ = mλ
λ= λ0 /n
Lateral Magnificattion
m= y'/y = s'/s
Intensity of Two-Source Interference
I =I0cos2 (Φ/2)
Critical Angle
sinθc= nb / na
Lensmaker's Equation
1/f = (n-1)(1/R1 - 1/R2)
Path Length Difference for Thin Film Reflection
Δr= 2t