Moving from one place to another
Turtle Island is...
North America
Men Govern
a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee
relating to horse riding
The Canadian Constitution recognizes three groups of people as Aboriginal.
Metis, First Nation, and Inuit
The highest virtue to obtain
The art, science, or profession of teaching
the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings
characterized by the taking of financial risks in the hope of profit; enterprising
Used in the Sacred Sundance
Buffalo Skull
How many poles are there in the Cree teachings of the Tipi
The power to produce a desired result
When did the last residential school close?
-Algonkians practiced intertribal adoption with warring neighbours because…
The idea behind this practice is that the enemy (or your own people) would reconsider attacking a village if children from their own village were living in an enemy camp (peaceful co-existence)
What four aspects does the medicine wheel teach? Explain each of them.
Spiritual: how you practice your beliefs
Emotional: how you work through your emotions
Mental: how you exercise your mind, by learning or growing with knowledge
Physical: how you keep physically healthy/fit
-First three poles represent
Obedience, Respect, and Humility
What were the two fur trade companies? What roles did Men and Women have in Metis fur trade?
-Hudson's Bay Company and North West Company
-Men: great hunters, canoe men, travellers, perfect middleman
-Women: Made pemmican, snowshoes, repaired canoes
The first residential schools were called…
Industrial Schools
- The Gradual Civilization Act, passed in 1857, called for the eventual _______________ of Indians into Canadian society
What is a SMART goal? Name what each of the letters stand for and explain them.
Specific: This goal should be clear and specific because you will not be able to focus your efforts or be motivated to achieve it otherwise. Five W's
Measurable: Making measurable goals will allow you to track your progress and stay motivated
Achievable: when you set a goal that goal should stretch your abilities in order to achieve it but it should still stay possible
Relevant: This step is to make sure that the goal you are pursuing truly matters to you
Timely: This is the step where one picks there target date to allow one to have a deadline to meet and work towards
-The number four has sacred meaning to Native people who see the person as standing in a circle surrounded by the four directions.
-All the different teachings (life, animals, directions, elements, etc.)
-The circle is just as strong in every point within the shape
-You move clockwise in a circle
-Good characteristics or values which a person possess and practices that are viewed as morally excellent
-Name two: Honesty, Patience
Stage 1: Separate Worlds
Stage 2: Cooperation
Stage 3: Displacement and Assimilation
Stage 4: Negotiation and Renewal
-Royal Proclomation of 1763
-Indian Act
-Discrimination against women
-Native Veterans: Legal definitions getting in the way
-White Paper
White Paper: “just society”. The policy proposals sought to end the collective rights of Aboriginal people in favour of individual rights. Included were plans to eliminate the protection for reserve lands, to terminate the legal status of Indian peoples, and to have services delivered to them by provincial governments.