Number of books in the New Testament
What is 27
The two parables Jesus tells about compassion and forgiveness.
What is the Good Samaritan and the Lost Son/Prodigal Son
The Gospels considered Synoptic?
What are Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
The ruler of Judea when Jesus was born, known for his massive building projects and oppression.
Who is Herod the Great.
The book of that lists the male genealogy of Jesus Christ as the son of David and Abraham.
What is the Gospel of Matthew.
The names of the four Gospels.
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
The two greatest commandments in the Gospel of Mark (12:29-31)
What is love God and love your neighbor as yourself.
The letter designating material unique to the Gospel of Luke.
What is 'L'.
The Jewish sect focused on adherence to the Law and oral traditions.
Who are the Pharisees.
The divine plan to redeem humanity through Jesus Christ, from the Fall to the Second coming.
What is salvation history.
The original written language of the New Testament
What is Greek
The Gospel with the face of Jesus as the one who liberates oppressed.
What is Gospel of Luke.
The lost source used by Matthew and Luke?
What is 'Q' source.
The Jewish sect that controlled the Temple and oral traditions, often collaborated with Rome.
Who are the Sadducees.
The meaning of Messiah.
What is the anointed one.
The original ending of the Gospel of Mark (16:8)
What is the women flee in fear and say nothing to anyone.
The three themes in the Gospel of Mark.
What are authority, suffering, and discipleship. (Any variation acceptable.)
The Gospels that have the infancy narrative.
What are Luke and Matthew.
The mixed-ethnic group Jesus portrayed as good in a parable and conflicted with the Jews.
What are the Samaritans.
What are at least three historical facts about Jesus.
What are he existed, he was Jewish, believed to preform miracles, was baptized by John, preached about the kingdom of God, was crucified under Pilate, and his followers believed he rose from the dead
The four Gospels in chronological order.
What are Mark, Matthew, Luke, John
The face of Jesus in the Gospel of John?
What is the one who reveals what God is truly like.
The Gospel source used by Matthew and Luke.
What is the Gospel of Mark.
What are at least two names of the women who appear in the genealogy in Matthew.
Who are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, or Bathsheba
The book which houses the passages 24:13-34 involving the risen Jesus and the road to Emmaus.
What is the Gospel of Luke