
#9 What is the greatest possible probability in any experiment?

1 or 100%


#5 Which figure cannot be made by slicing through a cube?

b. an octagon ... you'd need 8 faces and a cube only has 6


What is the difference between a parameter and a statistic?

A Parameter is calculated from data of a population. 

A Statistic is calculated from data of a sample.


Draw a tree diagram for flipping a coin twice


#10 On spinner with 2 = sections, Josie determines that the probabilities of landing on either section is equally likely. How would she express this as a decimal?



#7 Which best describes the cross section as the plane passes through the cube (perpendicular to base or see picture in your study guide)?

A. a square


2/3 of students complete their homework each day. Out of 150 students, how many would you expect to complete their homework?

100 students (2/3 times 150)

The three angles in a triangle add up to ______ degrees. 

180... this is triangle angle sum theorem


#2. Adeline sets music player to random. She has 9 country songs, 11 jazz, 3 rap, and 6 pop songs. What is P(rap or pop)?

9/29 . . .  3 + 6 = 9 rap or pop songs. there are 29 total songs


#4 How many 1in x 1in x 1in cubes could fit inside the cube shown with no extra space? (look at your study guide for picture)

4090 in3 . . .  do 16 * 16 * 16


#23 For which survey is the data collected a census (see options in your study guide)

A. "A survey of all the students in your math class shows 2 out of 5 of those students like hip hop best"

Census - when you surveyed the whole population


How do you check to see if three measurements will make a triangle or not?

Check and see if the two short sides add up to be more than the longest side. 


#3 Avery selects chips from a bag without looking. It has 5 green, 3 red, and 7 blue. What is P(red or blue)? Simplify!

2/3 . . .  3 + 7 = 10 red or blue ... 15 total. 10/15 simplifies to 2/3


#6 The advertised size of a pizza is the diameter of the pizza. Which is closest to the area of the crust of a 15 inch pizza?

B. 177 in2 ... convert from diameter (15 in) to radius (7.5 in). Area = pi* r2 = pi * (7.5)2


Calculate IQR for the data set: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 7, 20

IQR = 9 ... make sure they're in order. median = 11. Q1 between 7 and 7 so = 7. Q3 between 15 and 17 so = 16. IQR = Q3 - Q1 = 16 - 7 = 9


Calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism with length = 10 cm, width = 5 cm, and height = 4 cm. make sure you have proper units on your answer. 

220 cm2 . . . Top/Btm = 10*5*2 = 100, Front/Back = 10*4*2 = 80, Sides = 4*5*2 = 40. Added to get 220. 


#1 Reba selects 1 card from each of these 3 piles (see your study guide). What is the probability that she selects 3 even numbers? Simplify!

1/12 . . .  P(even in 1st pile) = 1/3, P(even 2nd pile) = 1/2, P(even 3rd pile) = 2/4 or 1/2 . . . multiply the three probabilities together to get 2/24 or 1/12. 


#8 Circle P is inscribed in a regular hexagon (see picture in study guide). Which is closest to the area of the hexagon (see choices in study guide)?

D. 222 cm2  ... area of hexagon = 3ba = 3(9.24)(8) = 221.76


Calculate MAD for the following set of numbers: 22, 78, 52, 88, 35

MAD = 22.4 . . .  find mean of the numbers (55). Find distances from the mean for each number (33, 23, 3, 33, 20). Take mean of those distances (22.4)


The letters of the word BANANA are in a bag. What is the probability that you draw an A first, DO NOT REPLACE IT, then draw a N second? Simplify your answer!!

1/5 . . . P(A first) = 3/6 or 1/2, DO NOT REPLACE so now only 5 letters left P(N second) = 2/5. Multiply 1/2 by 2/5 to get 2/10 . . . simplifies to 1/5
