Multiple Choice


A new conveyor system at the local packaging plan will utilize a motor-powered mechanical arm to exert an average force of 890 N to push large crates a distance of 12 meters in 22 seconds. Determine the power output required of such a motor.

490 W (rounded from 485 W)


Graphing Motion 

Begin from the origin, slowly move away, pause, and rapidly go back to the center. 

Show results!

It should be dranw: 

Line constant up, drawn steady line where you paused, constant line back to the origin. 



An object is dropped from the top of the Empire State Building. Which of the following statements best describes the motion of the object as it experiences air resistance during its downward fall?

Choose 1 answer:

  • (Choice A)
    The speed will increase at a constant rate for its fall.
  • (Choice B)
    The speed will decrease at a constant rate for its fall.
  • (Choice C)
    Its speed remains constant for the fall.
  • (Choice D)
    Its acceleration will decrease until the object starts moving with a constant speed.

Choice D: Its acceleration will decrease until the object starts moving with a constant speed.


Scientific Method 

Name the six steps of the Scientific Method

  1. Make an observation.
  2. Ask a question.
  3. Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
  4. Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
  5. Test the prediction.
  6. Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.



An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s2 for 32.8 s until it finally lifts off the ground. 

How much distance does the airplane travel before takeoff?

Distance = 1720 m


Free Body Diagram 

Draw this situation as a Free body Diagram: 

A pulley is balancing two objects, one is heavier than the other and has lifted the other when it went down. 

Explains the forces present in this situation.

It should be draw with two circles, with the forces applied to them. If there is more than one force acting on the same direction, both arros should be connected. 

- Forces examples: F gravity - F of air resistance - F applied - F of tension - 



According to the graph showing force and displacement of the sled being pulled, what is the amount of energy expended if the work was completed in 10 seconds?

Choose 1 answer:

  • (Choice A)
    3.5 x 10^3W
  • (Choice B)
    9.0 x 10^1W
  • (Choice C)
    7.0 x 10^2W
  • (Choice D)
    3.5 x 10^2W

Choice A: 3.5 x 10^3W


Metric System 

A woman has a body mass of 53 kg. What is her mass in grams?




A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly over a time of 5.21 seconds for a distance of 110 m. 

What is the acceleration of the car?

Acceleration = 8.10 m/s/s


Projectile Motion --> Click on Vectors

Change the angle of the rocket to 45 - Click on Velocity Vectors --> Launch and Draw the vectors shown. 

+ Click on Components --> Draw the vectors shown 

+ Click on Acceleration or force --> Draw what is shown.

1. Velocity Vector should be placed at thee same angle the object is. 

2. Vector "Y" should be going up, vecstor "X" should be going to the right. 

3. Last vector either acceleration of Force should be going down. 

4. The arrows size should be some where close to what the simulations show. 



A box moves 5 m when force F=10 N, is applied at an angle = 30°

What is the work done on the box by FFF during the displacement?

Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:

  • (Choice A)
    43 J
  • (Choice B)
    -43 J
  • (Choice C)
    50 J
  • (Choice D)D
    -50 \,\text J−50J

Choice A: 43 J


Dimensional Analysis 

A runner traveled 15km in 3 hours, how many miles is that?

= 9.321 miles 



The velocity of an object is the _________ of its position. It is a function of _____. Velocity is equivalent to a specification of an object's _____ and direction of _____. 

speed - time - motion - rate of change.  

The velocity of an object is the rate of change. It is a function of time. Velocity is equivalent to a specification of an object's speed and direction of motion. 



Choose a situation where the Three Laws of Motion are applied. 

Draw and Explain.

Example: A Hammer hits on the Nail, The Nail hits on the Hammer. 

If the hammer exerts a force on the nail, the nail will exert an equal and opposite force on the hammer. 



3) When will gravity be the strongest?

a. The further away you are from an object

b. The closer you are to an object

c. The faster your relative speed is to an object

d. All of the above

e. None of the Above

D: All of the Above.


Constant Motion 

A whale swims West for a distance of 3 km, turns around and goes East for 5 km, and finally turns around and heads due West again for another 6 km in one day. Is the average speed greater than, less than, or equal to the average velocity? Justify your answer.  

Distance: 14km --> Displacement: 4km 

Av. Speed: 14km/day --> Av. Velocity: 4km/day 

For distance you add all the km covered by the whale in a day, and to find displacement you have to see hoe far is the end point from the starting point.

Then to find the average speed you have to divide km/day, which is 14 divided by 1. The answer for this equation is 14km/day. Which is greater than the average velocity, that will be 4km/day.



1. Which two of the following statements are false about momentum?

  1. Momentum is a vector quantity.
  2. The standard unit on momentum is the Joule.
  3. An object which is moving at a constant speed has momentum.
  4. Momentum is a conserved quantity; the momentum of an object is never changed.
  5. Two objects of different mass are moving at the same speed; the more massive object will have the greatest momentum.
  6. An object with a changing speed will have a changing momentum.

Choices: 2 - 4



Draw on a piece of paper the movement of a man - (Every square is a step)

The man moves one up - two left - two down - three right - four up - one right - two up - three left - two up - one right - one up. 

Then, calculate the displacement.

Formula for Dispplacement: velocity x time. 

Displacement is the distance between the starting point to the end point. 


Newton's 2nd Law 

The van of Hans and Frans is stuck on slippery ice, so they must get out and move it by hand. Hans pushes rightwards with force magnitude FH, and Frans pulls rightwards. The van of mass m accelerates with magnitude aaa rightwards.

What is the correct expression for Frans’s pulling force magnitude FF

The van experiences no friction.

Consider rightward as the positive direction.

Choose 1 answer:

  • (Choice A)
    *m ={FF - FH}/{a}
  • (Choice B)
    *m =(FF + FH)a
  • (Choice C)
    *m ={FF + FH}/{a}
  • (Choice D)
  • *m = {-FF + FH}/{a} 

Choice C: m ={FF + FH}/{a}


Newton's 1st Law of Motion

An object that is not accelerating or decelerating must have zero net force acting on it.

True or False

