New Directions in Science
Clashes Between King and Parliament
Establishing Limited Monarchy & French Monarchy in Crisis
French Monarchy in Crisis

Careful experiments and observations are made in this step of the scientific method.

What is the 1st step?


This book was important because it educated people across the world and shared enlightened ideas

What is the encyclopedia?


This was the first King of Britain that was put on trial and publicly executed for treason.

Who is King Charles I?


There were 3 of these set up in France that governed the way people lived and the taxes they were to pay.

What are estates?


The 3rd Estate created this group after being locked out of the Estates General Meeting. It started with a Tennis Court Oat.

What is the National Assembly?


Mathematics, rather than logic or reasoning is used in this step of the scientific method.

What is the 3rd step?


Name 2 ways that enlightenment ideas were spread

What are newspapers, brochures, journals, lectures, reports, political news, pamphlets


This army fought in the English Civil War and was led by Oliver Cromwell

What is the New Model Army?


This storm on a Prison in Paris (1789) was seen as the start of the French Revolution

What is the Bastille Uprising?


In 1789, many women went to Louis VXI's palace and demanded he returned to Paris- this proved that citizens had taken control of politics in France. What was this known as?

What is The March on Versailles?


Reason is used to interpret the results of experimentation and observation during this step of the scientific method.

What is the 2nd step?


The reason why the Catholic Church banned the Encyclopedia

What is because it criticized religious persecution?


This war took place between the Cavaliers (people in favor if the king) and the Roundheads (people in favor of parliament) from 1642-1649

What is the English Civil War?


2 Part Question- the first two political parties to emerge in England

1- These people supported the king/Monarchy

2- These people wanted to strengthen Parliament

Who are:

1- Tories



In 1788 this was called for the first time in 175 years in France.

What is the Estates General Meeting?


Before the Scientific Method- the basis of scientific thought focused on a process of reasoning called this.

What is logic?


Name two of the enlightened thinkers

Who are Voltaire, Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau


This man fought for the abolishment of the monarchy during the English Civil War, he promptly abolished parliament and was seen as a dictator.

Who is Oliver Cromwell?


This act joined the kingdoms of Scotland and England into the United Kingdom of Great Britain

What is the Act of Union (1707)?


This was the group of Radical revolutionaries that instigated violence in the French Revolution and wanted the abolish the monarchy.

Who are the Jacobins?


one of the reasons math was important to the scientific method

what is- enabled scientists to test and either validate or falsify a predicition.

what is- enhances precision


Bonus Question: this enlightened thinker was quoted in the American Declaration of Independence.

Who is Locke?


Name the two famous kings who caused breaks with Parliament on a regular basis during their times of rule.

Who are James I & Charles I


This bill (1689) gave parliament more power than the monarchy.

What is the English Bill of Rights?


This man led the radical revolutionaries and the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror. He is seen as a leader for the amount of people sent to the guillotine.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?
