Management, Mobility, F&E, Repro
GU, Sensory, Skin integrity, Tissue Perfusion
Cardio, Resp
GI, Cancer Care, Neuro
Metabolism, Periop

What is a nursing diagnosis?

What are the parts?

What is the development of the plan of care of a patient

What is Assessment/Objective or Outcome/nursing diagnosis with related to and as evidenced by/ interventions/ met or did not meet goal.  


What are the symptoms of cystitis?

What is pain and spasms when urinate, frequent urination, low grade fever, blood in urine.


What is aspirin and what are the adverse effects?

What is inhibits the platelet aggregation, lowers fever, anti inflammatory. pain control.  

Do NOT give to children Reyes syndrome.  

Adverse effects: GI bleed 


What is Multiple Sclerosis?  What are the symptoms and treatment.  

What is Chronic disease caused by immune (Immunity most likely etiology), genetic and/or infectious factors that effect the myelin and nerve fibers of the brain. and spinal cord.  One of the leading causes of neurological disability in young and middle-age adults. 

Diagnose with CT and MRI.


Visual disturbances: double vision, nystagmus. 

Bowel and bladder dysfunction: may have frequency, urgency, or nocturia

May have constipation or diarrhea

Treatment: Interferon and Supportive care.


What is Cushings disease, symptoms and treatment?

What is excess cortisol  

A lot of times cause is long time use of prednisone

Symptoms are NA and fluid not being excreted.  Treat for fluid overload and hypernatremia. Reduced immunity so increase for infection. Fasting and glucose levels elevated so treat hyperglycemia. Mood swings make “not feel like self”

hyperglycemia. Mood swings make “not feel like self”

Besides treating symptoms drug therapy involve the use of drugs that interfere with ACTH production or adrenal hormone synthesis.


What are the symptoms of hypocalcemia and how do we treat it?

What is under 2.1 mmp;/L, muscle cramping, muscle weakness, muscle spasms.  numbness or paresthesisa, ECG changes,

Causes: Renal failure, Vit D deficiency hypoparathyroidism, calcium channel blocker overdose.  

Treat with IV Calcium


What are the causes of Arterial Ulcers and how do you treat?

What is poor perfusion or obstruction of an artery causes lack of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue.  

Look is that of a punch out look with defined edges.  Deep wound that does not bleed or appear to heal, painful.  Skin in area is cool and pallor.  Primary goal is to increase circulatio.

Venous ulcers are in different stages of healing, have redness, drainage,edema.


What is COPD and how to treat it?

What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  Alveli non compliant and have a lot of mucous.  Can not deflate to allow new air in.  

Symptoms: SOB, tripod position, frequesnt resp infections.

Treat with frequent rest, exercise, frequest small meals, O2 only if need it. Atrovent, steroids.


What is an endoscopy procedures?  CAre Pre and Post. 

What is direct visualization of GI tract for diagnose and treatment of gi disorders.  

Patients are medicated with conscious sedation so monitor level of consciousness, heart rhythm, BP, P resp rate and depth, for GI bleeding.    


What are the Symptoms  and treatment of Hypothyroidism?

Fatigue, heir loss,  brittle nails, dry skin, husky voice, menstrual disorders, subnormal temperatures, weight gain, and loss of libido.

Treatment: processed salt, levothyroxine ( give 30 min prior to meal in AM)


what are the kinds of Isolation and the reason you are in them?  

What is: 

Standard Precautions: all patients, gloves, wash hands

Contact: gown, gloves, wash hands

Droplet:gloves, medical resp mask, goggles

Airborne: gloves, N 95 resp mask, gloggles, face shield if resp procedures

C Diff: must use soap and water.


What are the causes symptoms, and treatment of Renal calculi?

What is severe pain, usually colicky pain in back, inability to urinate or frequent urination, blood in urine.

Treat with IV fluids, NSAID, IV opiod, screen urine, may need Lithotripsy.  


What is Furosemide?  What are its uses and adverse effects?

What is a loop diuretic.  Fastest acting diuretic.  Used to remove fluids from third spacing.  

ADverse effects: dehydration, hypokalemia, ringing in ears, dizziness.


What are the warning signs of cancer?

What is:

lChange in bowel or bladder habits.

lA sore that does not heal.

lUnusual bleeding or discharge.

lThickening or lump in the breast, testicles, or elsewhere.

lIndigestion or difficulty swallowing.

lObvious change in the size, color, shape, or thickness of a wart, mole, or mouth sore.

lNagging cough or hoarseness


What is the nurses role Pre, during, and post surgery?

What is keep patient safe, good communication, education ongoing.


What are the symptoms of Metabolic Acidosis and how do you treat it?

What are Kausmal Resp, fruity breath, Ketones in urine, N&V, abd pain, electrolyte imbalance

Treat with NS, fix electrolyte imbalance gradually, and treat cause.  DKA common reason, Regular insulin drip


What is a cataract, symptoms and treatment?

What is clouding of the lens of the eye.  

Symptoms are blurred vision like looking through a cloudy or dirty lens.  Vision worse at night.  

Treat with surgery.  Receive antibiotic and sterod drops after.


What is a Bronchoscopy?  What is it for.  Concerns and nursing care.  

What is direct visualization of the inside of the lungs.  Need to numb the pathway and give conscious sedation to complete test.  Used for visualization of any abnormal findings of X-ray, remove fluid, obtain washings and biopsies.  

Keep patient NPO.  No fluids until able teo swallow without aspiration.  Observe patient via monitors until fully awake.  Watch for Bronchospasm.  


What are the symptoms, risk factors , care for a patient with a CVA.

What is slurred speech, change in LOC, Inability to move limbs.  Check for difficulty with breathing, and risk of aspiration.  

Risk factor or main reason for is hypertension. and atrial fib.   

Assessment and treatment is to be rapid.  Stroke center. Call 911. Treat with TPA or interventional radiology.  

Supportive care if have deficit.  


What are the types of insulins, onset, start, and route.

What is: 

Lispro(fast acting). onset: 15 min. peak 1 hour. peak . sub Q

Regular: Onset 1 hour, peak 2-3 hours, sub q, IV, insulin pump

NPH: onset 2-4 hours and peaked in 4 to 12 hours. Cloudy in appearance.  When mix clear to cloudy.  

Detemir(long acting, 24 hours) Onset 1 hour.  No peak.  Sub Q


What is Menorrhagia?

What is heavy menstrual periods.


What are the blood tests BUN, Creat, and GFR?

What is to measure how well your kidneys are working.  

BUN: Breakdown of proteins a person eats.

Creat: breakdown of normal wear and tear of muscle breakdown.  More consistant so better indicator of kidney function that BUN.  

GFR: How well the kidneys are removing waste and excess fluid.  How well the kidneys are working

With Kidney failure BuN/Creat up and GFR down.  


What is a beta blocker, what is it used for and what are its adverse effects? 

What is a beta adrenergic blocker. REduces conductivity of heart, slows heart down,  decreases oxygen consumption and BP. 

Adverse Effects: fatigue, orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, impotence.


How do you treat someone that has a seizure? 

Keep safe during seizure, observe for length, movement of body during procedure and document.  Medications for seizure activity has many adverse effects.  


Symptoms and treatment of Hypoglycemia.  

What are 


Confusion, irritability, tremor, sweating


Hypothermia, seizures

Coma and death will occur if not treated

Treatment: eat, candy, buccal tablets, apple juice, glucagon, D10
